Chapter Chat

Join Ms Hover for Chapter Chat!

Our chapter book will be Denzil's Dilemma by Sherryl Jordan.

You can find out more about this Kiwi author by clicking here.

In your drive find the folder titled ‘Novel Study’. This is where you will file all activities completed for Denzil’s Dilemma. All of your work must have a title and the chapter number.

e.g : Chapter 1 Denzil and the donkey

e.g: Chapter 1 Questions

If all activities fit on the same page, give it the title of ‘Chapter 1’

You need to decide which character you would like to be throughout the story, (e.g Sam or Denzil). For each chapter write a diary entry saying what happened to you in that chapter. Set up this document with the title ‘DIARY Entry’ and use the same document for each chapter. Each time you write a diary entry, begin it with ‘Dear Diary’...

The apprentice wizard Denzil manages to transport his twentieth century friend, Sam back to his own time in medieval England.

Chapter 10 - Magic Going Right

Check out the google meet of Ms Hover reading chapter 10 of Denzil's Dilemma and explaining the tasks that go with it.

Then complete the following activities:

  1. Diary Entry

  1. Have a look at what you predicted may happen in this chapter. Were you right with your prediction? How? Why not? What was different? What did happen in this chapter? Discuss it with a partner.

  1. Design a new cover for the book Denzil’s Dilemma, be creative.

Early Finishers: Keep up with the other chapters you have not yet finished.

Chapter 9 - The Christmas Child

Check out the google meet of Ms Hover reading chapter 9 of Denzil's Dilemma and explaining the tasks that go with it.

Complete the following activities:

  1. Diary Entry

  1. Draw a google picture of Mother Wyse’s cottage. Remember to include any special features she may have there, both inside and outside the cottage.

  1. Predict what is going to happen in Chapter 10. Think about things such as: What will Mother Wyse teach Sam? Will there be another magic chant to learn? Will Sam be transported back to her own time? If she does, when will she go and will she go on her own? etc. Put all of your ideas into paragraphs.

Early Finishers: Keep up with the other chapters you have not yet finished.

Chapter 8 - Black Wings and White Wings

Denzil's Dilemma chapter 8.mp4

Complete the following activities:

  1. Diary Entry

  1. In this chapter Sam and Denzil were being attacked by Rowl and his friends. Denzil used his magic to turn himself into a hawk and Sam into an angel so they could get away.

If you were able to grow wings and fly, Where would you fly to? Why would you go there? Who would you go with? Write a paragraph and draw a picture of yourself flying.


Don't forget to file your activities into your Novel Study file on google drive.

Chapter 7 - Meeting Emmeline

Complete the following activities:

  1. Diary Entry

  1. On a google drawing, draw a picture of Emmeline carving a fox. Don't forget to include the setting of Emmeline sitting on a stool by the fireplace. Add labels to your picture.

  1. Compare and Contrast

  • When we compare two things, we tell how they are alike.

  • When we contrast two things, we tell how they are different.

As you listen to the chapter, think about how the characters of Emmeline and Sam are alike, and how they are different. Use a grid like this or create your own.


Don't forget to file your activities into your Novel Study file on google drive.

Chapter 6 - Rat Hunt!

Complete the following activities:

  1. Diary Entry

  1. Pretend you are a detective for the Police. Write a list of questions that you could ask Denzil and Sam about the whereabouts of Murgatroyd. For example, looks, likes, last seen etc. Do this on a google doc and use pictures/images to make it look interesting.


Don't forget to file your activities into your Novel Study file on google drive.

Chapter 5 - The Visitation

Complete the following activities:

  1. Diary Entry

  1. In this chapter Mother Wyse has appeared. Denzil is unhappy about it and they have a ‘magic chant shoot out’. With a buddy make up some magic chants to transport your own bedroom into your buddies bedroom and vice versa.

  1. Look up the meanings for the following words. (You don't need to type them, just learn them and be prepared to explain their meanings): Waif, Changeling, Suspicious, Goblin.


Don't forget to file your activities into your Novel Study file on google drive.

Chapter 4 - Request for an Angel

Complete the following activities:

  1. Diary Entry

  1. Sam has a rat called ‘Murgatrord’. On a google doc download a picture of a rat and around the outside write what a rat needs to survive, for example, food, climate, environment.

  1. Research some facts about the ‘Black Death’ and present on a google doc. How did it start? And how did it end? How many people died from it and which countries/continents did it affect?


Don't forget to file your activities into your Novel Study file on google drive.

Chapter 3 - Hiding Sam

Watch the videos below first, then complete the activities below

Chapter 3 - Part 1

Denzil's Dilemma Chp 3

Chapter 3 - Part 2

DD Chp 3 cont..

Complete the following activities:

  1. Diary Entry

  1. Answer the following questions:

  • Why do you think Denzil was so afraid to tell Valvasor that Sam was in the house?

  • Do you think Valvasor is a mean person? Why? Why not?

  • Why do you think Sam did not want to hide in the stable?

  • What is an apprentice? Name 3 jobs that an apprentice may do.

  1. Draw a picture of what you think Valvasor may look like. You may google search wizards then create your own wizard onto a google doc.


Don't forget to file your activities into your Novel Study file on google drive.

Chapter 2 - Sam's Swift Surprise

Complete the following activities:

  1. Diary entry

  1. Make a list and find pictures of all the items you think a wizard would store in his house to use for spells. For example bats wings, a leg of a frog, a mouse whisker. Think of at least 10 items. (Do this on a google doc or draw onto paper and take a photo of it to download into your folder.)

  1. Design a dress that could be worn by an angel. Include plenty of detail in your design and colour.

  1. Use google search to research medieval England. Write a short short imagining you are being transported back to another time. Think about the following to help you:

  • What would be different? (technology, housing, transport, clothing, food, friendships, jobs, etc).

  • How do you feel about being there?

Start with a beginning to open your story, use paragraphs for each idea and ensure you have an ending.

Don't forget to file your activities into your Novel Study file on google drive.

Chapter 1 - The First Problem

Complete the following activities:

  1. Draw a picture of Denzil and the donkey. You can choose to either draw them skidding across the ice or Denzil rubbing the donkey down in the stables. (Do this on a google doc or draw onto paper and take a photo of it.)

  1. Copy the following questions onto a google doc and answer each question in full detail:

Why don't the other children in the village like Denzil?

Why was Denzil so afraid of Valvasor?

What does the word ‘apprentice’ mean?

Why did Travis get rid of his motorbike?