Parent Portal

Supporting your child whilst at home

There are many ways you can support your child both as they revise for exams and during the exams themselves. The information for parents and careers below is used by a number of secondary schools nationally - all of the strategies detailed are evidenced by current educational research. Students can find more detailed application of these strategies on their Hub too.

How much to revise and when to do it...

Spacing and Timing of Revision Parent Pamphlet.pdf
Cognitive Load Theory Parent Pamphlet.pdf
The Flipped Learning Technique Parent Pamphlet.pdf

Basic strategies for learning previously taught work...

The chunking technique to revisit information Parent Pamphlet.p
Using Flashcards to help revisit information Parent Pamphlet.pd
The Interleaving technique to revisit information Parent Pamphl

Keeping active, diet and nutrition...

Keeping active during Revision Parent Pamphlet.pdf
Nutrition for Exam Days.pdf