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Mrs. Theresa DiGeronimo
School Library Media Specialist
Follow the Library on Twitter @LibraryatHHS
and Instagram at HHSLibraryMedia
“Librarians are the curators, connectors, collaborators, and resources for the whole school.”
The School Library Journal Leadership Summit
It is the mission of the HHS Library Media Program to empower all members of the school community to become effective and discerning users of information. The Program provides access to learning activities that develop strategies for critically selecting, retrieving, analyzing, evaluating, synthesizing, and creating information in all areas of academic study and in personal pursuits.
Ms. DiGeronimo has built a library program that consistently offers all students
a place to explore, grow, fail, learn, and collaborate. Her work highlights
materials, resources, and activities that address and respect the needs of our
diverse population, always in an environment of acceptance, tolerance, and