Principles of Human Services

PHS Daily Assignments

Welcome to Principles of Human Services (PHS)

The goal of this class is to enable students to investigate careers in the human services career cluster including counseling and mental health, early childhood development, family and community, and personal care services.

The Units of Study for this course includes:

Personal Characteristics of Success: Decision-making, goal setting, conflict resolution, health and wellness and leadership skills.

Exploring Counseling and Mental Health Careers: Types of crises, managing multiple roles & types of domestic violence.

Family and Community Services: Family functioning, community involvement and future trends in family & community services.

Consumer Sciences: Basics of budgeting, Impact of technology on consumers, Consumer rights and responsibilities

Career Exploration: Grooming habits and effects & Researching jobs of personal Interest

Child Development: Basic needs of children, Responsible care giving, Parenting styles, Developmentally appropriate guidance techniques, Child abuse, Future trends in early childhood

Fashion Design: Factors that affect clothing choices, budgeting for apparel, clothing care.

Nutrition: Nutrition over the lifespan, Food preparation and service, food labels and consumer purchasing.

Personal care services: Life skills needed for success, licensing rules, laws and regulations, employment opportunities for personal care services.