Illinois Institute of Technology  Engineers Without Borders

“Improving the lives of the 5 billion people whose main concern is to stay alive by the end of each day on our planet is no longer an option for engineers; it is an obligation.” -Dr. Bernard Amadei, EWB-USA Founder 

- - - PURPOSE - - -

Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is partnering with communities around the world to meet their basic human needs. Our mission is to build a better world through engineering projects that empower communities.  EWB-IIT members build relationships with communities around the world to assess needs and develop engineering solutions/designs to address water and sanitation problems. We volunteer our time, energy, and expertise to apply what we've learned in school to the real world and help communities who are in need. Our chapter is a part of every single step of the engineering process: fundraising for the projects, designing the engineering solutions, constructing the latrines, and educating the communities.

Bolivia Project Assessment Trip

- - - What we've done - - -

EWB-IIT has completed a latrine and handwashing station project in Nicaragua in 2017! We designed and built a latrine and handwashing station for a school that is located in the San Claudio community in Nicaragua.  The children were thrilled, and we enjoyed seeing our engineering designs come to life.

Our chapter is currently finishing our project in Yucka, Bolivia as of late 2022! We designed and built a latrine for the commnity that will help stop the spread of disease. We plan to travel back to Bolivia at the end of 2023 to evaluate the success of out project.  

Our chapter is currently working on a school project for the Kuvale community in Uganda. We are planning to build a school, monitor the community impact and determine if expansion is necessary.


Identify Issues and Design Interventions


Implement Lasting Infrastructure that Addresses Needs


Analyze Community Culture and Project Impact


Identify What We've Learned to Improve Future Projects