HELP Hogwarts

From Edward,

If anyone who I don't know talk to me on the road, how can I refuse gently. I don't want to figt with the person.

Dear Edward,

Do these situations happen frequently? If yes, you must look like Harry Potter or a famous wizard in my world. Or you must be a famous wizard, but you didn't realize about yourself. 

Have you ever read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone? Before Harry joined Hogwarts, sometimes, people who wore strange cloaks tried to talk to Harry on the streets. I know your stress. They are embarrassing and confusing events. 

I want to explain the situation from muggles’ views. Sometimes you can see field invaders in big soccer games. Perhaps their desperate desires meet their hero even though they break some rules. They are fined a lot of money or prohibited from soccer areas for their whole lives.

Likewise, they might have wanted to meet you, even if they went to Azkaban, which is the worst jail in my world. Please be kind to them. If you smile once, they will be happy, like receiving the uniform of Messi.

From Counselor Dumbledore