Zoom Kits
Cameras for OPHS Zoom meetings and presentations are set up in the larger BIOMD classrooms. Meeting Owl cameras are in BIOMD D207 and BIOMD D205. A Logitech camera is in BIOMD D211. A second Logitech camera kit can be reserved for use in other BIOMD classrooms or meeting spaces.
We prefer to have Zoom cameras used in their assigned rooms. Moving a camera kit to a different classroom will require communication and coordination with OPHSAS (ophsas@hawaii.edu) and OPHS IT (ophs-it@pbrc.hawaii.edu).
To reserve aN OPHS ZOOM KIT:
Check the OPHS Room Availability Calendar for BIOMD D207 (Owl 1), BIOMD D205 (Owl 2), and BIOMD D211 (Zoom Kit 3) to see if the room is available.
Check the appropriate Zoom Kit Calendar below for camera availability
Email OPHSAS (ophsas@hawaii.edu) and provide the following information:
BIOMD Room Number and Zoom Kit Number
Day & Date of Event
Start & End Times
Event Name
Contact Person (include phone# if not OPHS faculty/staff)