NMA Program Reviews

NMA ARPD and other Program Review Related Info

UH ARPD Website

You can find the latest NMA ARPD Data and Annual Program Review reports on the UHCC Annual Report of Program Data (ARPD) website

ARPD Tracking

Annual ARPD reports are typically due mid fall (November, or at least they used to be when Chris was coordinating) and they used to include an account of the NMA Annual PSLO Assessments, which are typically done at the end of each year (the gathering & aggregation of NMA PSLO assessment data needs to happen after the student show, eg in May, with the end goal of meeting the campus deadlines the following October, to be included within the ARPD report in November. Not sure if this is the same expectation and timeline now (2023), as it was before (pre-2016)?

Comprehensive Program Reviews (CPR)