Above & Beyond Points

The Above and Beyond points system has made its triumphant return, now revamped for an even more exhilarating experience! If you're new to the Nā Hokua family, let us introduce you to this extraordinary opportunity. Above and Beyond points are our way of shining a spotlight on the exceptional individuals who continually raise the bar, not only within our program but also in our broader lāhui.

For those who choose to embark on this journey, Above and Beyond points become a testament to your commitment and dedication. They represent the extra steps taken, the persistent pursuit of growth, and the resolute spirit that propels you forward. Maybe it's the choice to extend academic coaching beyond the initial 12-hour requirement, the attendance of all seven enlightening Nā Hokua Fall 2023 workshops, or the timely completion of progress checks and evaluations—these are just a glimpse into the diverse ways you can amass these points.

This is your chance to stand out, to strive for excellence that transcends the norm. As the Fall 2023 semester unfolds, the window of opportunity to accumulate Above and Beyond points spans from the semester's commencement until the closing of Friday, December 29, 2023. And here's where the excitement doubles: Come January 2, 2024, your accrued points translate into choices from our coveted Above & Beyond prize catalog, ensuring your dedication receives the recognition it deserves.

For a comprehensive understanding of this exhilarating system and a detailed breakdown of how the points add up, we invite you to explore our website. Your journey towards excellence begins now, and the rewards await those who venture Above and Beyond.

Please see the below table that outlines the point system and feel free to reach out to your Educational Coach or nahokua@hawaii.edu if you have any questions about how to earn points!