Composition & Lighting in Maya

Lighting & Composting

All photos listed had assets arranged in Maya. Lit using Arnold skydome and area Light, Maya spotlight, and light blockers. 


"Hi There"

Original background footage had track markers matted using Adobe Photoshop and After Effects. It was then 3D camera tracked in After Effects. The exported tracked camera and tracked solids were taken to Maya along with my P.E.R.U. Robot. The rigged robot was then keyframe animated in Maya. Matched lighting was achieved with an HDRI on a skydome light. Robot and shadow rendered separately with Maya Render Layers to have alpha channels for both. Render passes were then composited, color corrected, and edge blurred in after effects. 


Composite Breakdown


"Dancing Robot"

Background video had track markers matted out and was camera and motion tracked in After Effects. Exported tracked footage was taken into Maya where an HDRI was used to light the scene. Adding in a Robot model which was taken into Mixamo and exported out with a dancing animation I then used Render Layers to break apart its shadow and self with alpha channels. Rendered from Maya, I then composited, color corrected, and edge blurred it back in After Effects.


"Butterflies Being Butterflies"

All assets in this video were given to my by my professor. We were tasked with composition and compositing together elements to get "butterflies flying in an environment." In Maya, photo real lighting was achieved using an aiSkydome with HDRI and spotlights. Render Layers were used to decrease render times and break apart the assets with alpha channels. Compositing and color correction was done in After Effects.


Rigged Models



A limping-man that is carrying a toxic waste barrel on his back. He walks sluggish and is noticeably not mentally there. His eyes are bloodshot and he seems like he is slowly being poisoned by the fumes his barrel is producing. He can stop and let go of the barrel at any point but for some reason he continues to carry the barrel and kill himself overtime.

Concept Sketches, model sheets, and textures for this character were made in Photoshop. Character was smooth modeled in Maya.



The robot's name is, P.E.R.U. which is short for, Portable Energy Ready To Use. It is a portable charger but also a robot buddy. His outlet for charging is on the top of his head along with a USB port, on his chest and back, thus you can just plug in and charge whenever and wherever you want. When at home he can also find your phone and always make sure it's charged. 

Concept Sketches and model sheets for this robot were made in Photoshop. Robot was smooth modeled in Maya.

Modeled Objects


Modeled after my shoes I had at the moment. This pair was smooth modeled and textured in Maya. Model sheets were made from photographs of shoes and edited in Photoshop.

"Still Life Project"

Everything except for the ground in this still life was smooth modeled, UV, and textured by myself. I started with a reference photo of the real objects on a table and set course to match that in a maya render. Model sheets and textures were made with photographs of the original objects. Lighting was achieved with Arnold area and maya spotlights to mimic the lighting from the reference photo as well.