Tech Support

See if your issue is one of the top issues below for immediate solutions.

I've never used Zoom before. Do I need a Zoom account? Is there a beginner's tutorial I can refer to? What do I need to do before the event?

The entire event is on Zoom. Essentially you will be moving in and out of different Zoom meeting rooms. You have the choice to access Zoom through your browser, or you can download Zoom onto your phone or computer.

Whether or not you can join a particular Zoom meeting without signing into your Zoom account depends on the settings of the meeting host, which we can't control. So, to be safe, we strongly recommend you sign up for a free basic Zoom account.

Check out this helpful Zoom Support page that will answer most of your questions!

I was in one Zoom meeting and now I want to go to another one. Do I need to leave one Zoom room to go to another, or can I attend more than one simultaneously?

It is unlikely you would be able to attend more than one Zoom meeting at a time. This is a special setting that typically only comes with business/enterprise i.e. institutional accounts, and even then, the account admin would actively have to enable it. So, it's safe to assume you can only attend one Zoom room at a time. Remember to click "Leave" when you're ready to leave one Zoom room and go to another.

Is a computer screen or smartphone screen the only way for me to participate? Can I dial-in into a Zoom room with my phone?

Participating virtually using a computer or smartphone will give you the most full experience of this event. Whether or not you can dial-in into a particular Zoom meeting depends on the settings used by the Zoom meeting host institution. If you absolutely have no other way to join the event but to call in, email us at to let us know which session you want to call in to and we'll find out the dial-in number for you from the institution, if one exists. We strongly encourage you only use this as a last resort though. We're limited on our tech support!

Still don't have your issue solved? Email us at We'll be monitoring it starting at 8:00 am through 3:00 pm on January 30, 2021.