FIRST THING'S FIRST - REGISTER! Submit your registration to save your spot, and so that we will then be able to share with you the unique virtual event links.

BEFORE THE EVENT: Check out the below information to make the best use of your time at the live event.

Quick-View sheet on the different teacher education programs leading to licensure


  • The information on this Quick-View Sheet continues to be updated, so please check back in regularly to make sure you're aware of the latest information and offerings.

  • FOR NEIGHBOR ISLAND participants who are looking for programs that won't require them to have to leave their island to enroll in a program, click on the "STATEWIDE SHEET LINK".

SATEP Quick View Sheet

Informational resources on the journey of becoming a licensed teacher in Hawai‘i


Licensure program considerations & navigating going back to school

Getting Licensed

Obtaining a teaching license in the state of Hawai‘i


Applying for a job and getting hired by the HIDOE

Support systems

Induction and mentoring for new teachers in the HIDOE

(Watch the video)

AT THE EVENT ON JANUARY 30: You will get to meet these programs as well as other supporting agencies live, in virtual meeting rooms.

  • 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM OPENING / WELCOME / ORIENTATION: Join us for a welcome and orientation, especially if you've never used virtual meeting room platforms before. Representatives from Hawai‘i's largest employer of teachers, HIDOE, will also give an overview on the state of current teacher recruitment.

  • 9:00 AM - 2:45 PM SATEP BREAKOUTS and DROP-IN SUPPORT: Each state-approved teacher preparation program (SATEP) will be giving presentations to share more detailed information on their offerings that lead to teacher licensure. These are 45-minute blocks from 9:00 am to 2:45 pm. Meanwhile, whenever you're not attending a live SATEP presentation, you can check out different DROP-IN SUPPORT rooms that will take one-on-one questions first-come first-served (sort of like tables at a fair that you can just drop in and see if someone is available to answer your questions).

  • 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM CLOSING: We'll give some buffer time for folks to come out of the SATEP BREAKOUTS and DROP-IN SUPPORT for a final closing of the event. We totally understand if you're in a rush and don't come to the closing - we won't be offended! We just hope that you would get all the information you need by this time to make a decision on next steps.

  • IMPORTANT: You will need a computer or smartphone and internet connection to attend this virtual event.


NOTE: The information on this TENTATIVE schedule will be updated daily by 11:59 pm. Please check back regularly.

As of Jan 15, 2021- IGTBAT 2021 - Live Session Schedule