Drop-In Supports

What are drop-in supports?

DROP-IN SUPPORTS are where you can ask additional questions one-on-one with HTSB, HIDOE, HSTA and other supporting agencies, as well as some of the SATEPs that offer additional advising support on the day of the event.

  • Hosts of each room will take questions on a first-come first-served basis (sort of like tables at a fair that you can just drop in and see if someone is available to answer your questions).

  • To learn more about the organization and what types of questions they can answer, click on the drop-down arrow on the right of the name to view details and contact info.

  • You can drop in anytime within the window that they are available, possibly during the 15-minute break between the SATEP sessions, or when you're not attending any SATEP session. Click "ENTER" to go into their Zoom room (we also include the Meeting ID and Passcode where applicable).

Morning Drop-In Supports (9am-12pm)




Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) --> 9am-12pm ENTER Meeting ID: 914 3921 6907

Sungti Hsu, Licensure Specialist


Topic: Teaching licensure and licensure requirements for Hawaii teachers; Come have your questions answered

Hawaii DOE Teacher Recruitment Office --> 9am-12pm ENTER Meeting ID: 304 751 4406

James Lynch-Urbaniak, Recruiter



  • HIDOE Application Process

Check out their information here

Learn about them here so you can ask more specific questions

Hawaii DOE Induction & Mentoring --> 9:30am-11:00am ENTER Meeting ID: 831 9810 0541

Passcode: HTIC2021!

Robyn Tanaka & Kay Zane

  • Supports for new teachers

Learn about them here so you can ask more specific questions


UH Mānoa College of Education Advising --> 11:00am-12:00pm ENTER Meeting ID: kennyq

Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS)

Kenny Quibilan, osas@hawaii.edu

  • General Advising questions

  • Eligibility & Program Requirements (GPA, content knowledge, prerequisites)

  • Transfer Questions

Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA) --> 9:00am-10:00am ENTER Meeting ID: 928 8491 2070

Jonathan Leibowitz, JLeibowitz@HSTA.org

  • Any question related to HSTA, the teachers’ union, working and applying to work at Hawaii’s Public Schools and Public Charter Schools; What teachers are doing to advocate for teachers

Learn about them here so you can ask more specific questions

Ho‘opūliko Kumu Hou Advising (UHWO) --> 10:00am-1:00pm ENTER Meeting ID: 985 296 5673

Wela Wāhilani


  • Eligibility & Program Requirements

  • General Questions

  • Program Overview

Office of Hawaiian Education (OHE) --> 9:00am-10:00am ENTER Meeting ID: 815 9632 646, Passcode: 009632

Ānela Iwane and Leinaʻala Reyes

anela.iwane@k12.hi.us, leinaala.reyes@k12.hi.us

  • Support for becoming a Kaiapuni (Hawaiian immersion) teacher

  • Hawaiian Special Permit / Palapala Aʻo Kūikawā

Learn about OHE here so you can ask more specific questions

Teach Away Advising --> 9am-11:45am ENTER Meeting ID: 837 7235 8005


Autumn Talebi, Teacher Preparation Coordinator



  • Clinical Placement Routes (traditional student teaching, emergency hire)

  • Online Coursework

Irma Berardi, Recruitment and Admissions Manager


  • Admissions advisement and eligibility

  • Program overview and requirements

  • Licensure offering: Secondary (6-12) English, Math, Science, and TESOL K-12

Kahuawaiola Indigenous Teacher Education Program Advising --> 9:45am - 12:00pm ENTER Meeting ID: 99322616365, Passcode: MauliOla

Kanoe Kanakaʻole


  • Eligibility & Program Requirements

  • General Questions

  • Program Overview

  • Continuing Education to M.A. Indigenous Language and Culture Education

Kumu Careers and Financial Aid

--> 9am-10:30am ENTER Meeting ID: 954 8600 6351

Manuwai Peters, Ed.D.


  • Learn more about what being a “Kumu” is.

  • Why the need for more kumu in Hawaiʻi’s public and independent schools.

  • Hoʻokawowo Scholarship for Education, Hawaiian Language, and Hawaiian Studies majors

Afternoon Drop-In Supports (12pm-3pm)




Hawaii DOE Teacher Recruitment Office --> 12pm-1pm ENTER Meeting ID: 304 751 4406

James Lynch-Urbaniak, Recruiter



  • HIDOE Application Process

Check out their information here

Learn about them here so you can ask more specific questions

Moreland University / TEACH-NOW Advising --> 1pm-2pm ENTER Meeting ID: 972 679 9333

Joseph Pearson


  • Eligibility & Program Requirements

  • Program Overview

  • General Questions

UH Mānoa, Special Education and General Advising --> 1pm-3pm ENTER Meeting ID: uhminfosessions

Janet Kim



  • Eligibility & Program Requirements

  • Funding Opportunities

  • General Questions