Laboratory of Applications in Informatics and Analytics

About Internship Site

Background Information

The object of our project was to develop an app that can scan receipts and allow users to store and retrieve information about the receipt by connecting with the Amazon COGNITO server and ChatGPT. We were given two weeks to learn and build the app using AppGyver, a no-code app developing software. We were divided in two groups to complete the project: the UI/UX design team and the Logic/Programming team. The UI/UX design team designed the app interface and layout while the Logic team worked on the backhand performances and functions of the app. Some STEM careers that are involved in this program are app developers, software developer, software engineers, and much more. Skills that were necessary to carry out building our app was understanding the basic structures of AppGyver and Figma and the ability to connect with third-party extensions to fetch information. 



Mahdi Belcaid

Internship Mentor

Akib Sadmanee

Internship Mentor

Trinity Young

Academic Mentor

Julius McClain

Student Intern

Kenny Tsuru

Student Intern

Kaitlyn Nagata

Student Intern

Jiaying Cao

Student Intern

Joaquinn Gaos-Yanez

Student Intern

Ryan Nakayama

Student Intern

Tyler Takahashi

Student Intern


Student Intern Reflections

Jiaying Cao

Joaquinn Gaos-Yanez

Tyler Takahashi

Ryan Nakayama

Kaitlyn Nagata

Kenny Tsuru

Julius McClain