Instrument Videos & Info

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On this page, we're going to learn about the different instruments that are offered as part of our band program. You are first going to check out a video made by the US Army Band which will give an overview of many different instruments. Some of the instruments in the video are not offered in our beginning program (oboe, bassoon & tuba), but are available later on in middle school when you are in Advanced Band.

For more information about all of the instruments, check out Schmitt Music's Website

The instruments offered to beginning band students are:

Woodwinds Brass Percussion

Flute Trumpet Bell Kit (Percussionists will spend some time on drums as well)

Bb Clarinet Trombone

Alto Saxophone French Horn

Baritone Horn/Euphonium


Please watch this video from the US Army Field Band:

Click on the images below for more videos and information about each instrument that we offer: