Room 9

Welcome to Room 9!

On this page there will be weekly updates about classroom events, weekly homework, important dates and parent reminders.

Term 1 overview:

Maths: Statistics, Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction

Writing: Recount writing, Letter writing, and Information Reports

Reading: Self Monitoring, Making Connections, Questioning, Skimming/Scanning, and Summarising

Inquiry Focus: Family histories and traditions provide an insight into culture, family, and the individual

P.E: Swimming, Golf, and Team Building Games

Art: Collage self portrait, Family tree craft/art, and Fabric and fibre people

Our Value for Term 1 is Hauora

Our Library day is Monday

Our Swimming days are Wednesday and Friday

If you would like to contact me my email is

Term 1 - Wk 6-10 Timetable 2020

Here is the homework for Week 8!

Rm 9 Term 1 Week 8 homework

Unfortunately we weren't able to do our beach clean up on Friday.

On a positive note though, it meant that we could attend the concert put on by the Navy band bagpipers.

They were amazing!

We even had our very own Mila making a special, unplanned appearance when she accompanied them with some Irish dancing!

We have been talking about informational listening for oral language this week.

We watched and listened to a video about how to wash our hands properly and then answered questions using the information we had heard.

Our reading strategy for the next two weeks is skimming and scanning. We skimmed and scanned our big book 'Being Kiwi' and then found the pages that interested us. We read these pages more thoroughly and wrote notes about these interesting facts.

Congratulations to Tani and Gwen for receiving certificates at this weeks whole school assembly!

We were lucky to have Jodi from Sustainable Coastlines come and talk to us on Monday afternoon. Make sure you ask your child about what she had to say.

Here is the homework for Week 7!

Rm 9 Term 1 Week 7 homework

Well done Christina, you are the first member of Room 9 to receive the Mathletics Award!

Congratulations to Maeva, Zoe, Thomas A, Daniel, Zac, and Kash for receiving Swimming Certificates at this weeks Middle School Assembly?

They all placed first, second, or third at our Middle School Swimming Sports in Week Four.

Congratulations Jett and Jenny for receiving a certificate at our Middle School Assembly on Monday. Keep up the good work!

Here is the homework for Week 6!

Rm 9 Term 1 Week 6 homework

We had our first session of SNAG Golf on Wednesday morning. Here we are in action!

Congratulations to Thomas A. for receiving a certificate at this weeks whole school assembly! Keep up the good work.

Here is the homework for Week 5!

Rm 9 Term 1 Week 5 homework

Our annual swimming sports were a great success on Tuesday! The children all participated well, showed good sportsmanship, and supported their friends and classmates. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch, it was a stunning day!

It's Room 9's turn with the Science Box this week, so we're trying to squeeze some extra Science into our week, yippee!

On Monday we conducted a 'wicking water' experiment, which gave rather pretty results!

Here is the homework for Week 4!

Rm 9 Term 1 Week 4 Homework

Congratulations to Ryan and Samantha for receiving certificates at this weeks whole school assembly. Keep up the great work!

Here is the homework for Week 3!

Rm 9 Term 1 Week 3 Homework

It was such a beautiful day on Thursday that we took our buddy reading session outside!

This week as part of our Statistics topic we are investigating! We are working in small groups to answer a question of our choice about Room 9. Some of our questions are: What is Room 9's favourite colour? What is Room 9's favourite animal? What is Room 9's favourite video game? What is Room 9's favourite movie? Here we are in action!

Congratulations to Zac and Maia for receiving certificates at our Middle School Assembly on Monday! Keep up the great work!

Here is the first homework sheet for the year!

2020 Rm 9 Term 1 Week 2 Homework

We will have our first session of swimming on Wednesday. Please make sure your child brings their togs and towel in a bag and a pair of goggles if they wear them. Please also make sure that everything is named.

Homework will start in Week Two!

Homework books will come home on Friday this week. These will need to be returned to school every Friday for marking.

Here are the lovely Room 9 children on their first day back at school playing a 'getting to know you' game!

And here we are ... welcome to Room 9!