Mrs. Seale's Classroom

Welcome to Mrs. Seale's classroom site.

While I rely heavily on Google Classroom as a tool for assignments, my Google Site is a location for you to access important information, class materials, and resources. All assignments and associated due dates are also listed on Infinite Campus available to parents via the Parent Portal.

Please use the links above to access materials, resources, and documents associated with each class. I can be reached via email at or through the English Department at (631) 761-8321.

Extra - Help:

  • Tuesdays After School

  • By appointment

21st Century Classroom

Mission Statement

To provide an innovative classroom experience that empowers students toward creation as a way to develop critical thinking skills through the use of new and ever-changing multimedia tools in their study of English Language Arts.

Google Classroom for Parents Tutorial

I have used several videos from the New Ed Tech Classroom YouTube channel to help me integrate technology into my 21st Century Classroom. Many parents might find this short tutorial beneficial for tips to assist their students with managing Google Classroom.

Google Classroom for Students Tutorial

This is a video from the New Ed Tech Classroom YouTube channel to help students gain a better understanding of the features of Google Classroom and how the Google Classroom features can assist in managing their student workflow.

Hauppauge High School English Department

Mission Statement

The mission of the High School English Department is to prepare students to be college and career ready. By providing a rigorous New York State Standards aligned curriculum, we hope to ensure students' continued growth as independent thinkers and global learners in the 21st century.