Hastings Oral History Initiative


Oral History and the HOHI

Oral history can be defined as an oral interview recorded for the purpose of collecting historical memories, personal testimony, recollections of historical events, or life stories. Oral histories are by their nature a collaborative effort between the interviewer and the narrator, each bringing to the table a level of expertise and "shared authority." The Hastings Oral History Initiative (HOHI) is a community online depository/archive for oral history interviews and related materials, which provides public access to digitized oral history interviews and transcriptions of interviews for educational and research purposes.

Our Mission

The mission of the HOHI is to provide an easily accessible public space for all practitioners of oral history to collect and preserve oral history interviews. Furthermore, we strive to facilitate the creation of and reflection upon meaningful histories that help us better understand the community in which we live. Thus, we seek to provide public access to oral histories so that others may engage in and make connections to our local, national, and global communities through shared and collaborative history.

Copyright and Liability Statement

The memories, comments, and viewpoints shared by the narrators/interviewees in these oral history interviews and related documents do not represent the viewpoints of or speak for the Adams County Historical Society, ACHS staff or members, Hastings College, HC employees and/or students, nor the HOHI founders, administrators, and volunteers. The HOHI merely serves as an online repository for the memories, comments, stories, accounts, and experiences of the interviewees. The HOHI cannot guarantee or assure the validity, accuracy, or completeness of the information in the interviews hosted here and expressly disclaims any liability therefore. The HOHI retains the right to refuse to host or make publicly available any donated interview due to our discretion. Furthermore, the HOHI is pleased to provide public access to oral history interviews for educational and non-commerical purposes but the HOHI retains the copyright to each interview, transcripts, and any other materials hosted on our site. Interviews, transcripts, and other materials published here may not be reproduced in full or published without our express consent. Please contact us at hohi@hastings.edu for more information or questions.