ART SHOW : 2023

2023 Artists At Work

About our show 

Obstacles and challenges push us to discover potential.   

Our digital Art Shows began in 2021.   Though the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 were unspeakably difficult, they have revealed new possibilities, stretching us to change.  A digital version of our art show is one of these changes.  And while it does not compare to seeing the artworks in person, it is wonderful still to share the amazing work that these young artists have created with the world.   

Art for our show is envisioned, researched and constructed by the students.  These works are their own artistic vision and voice.   We call these projects "WOW Projects".  They are Well-made Original Works of art, and they are certain to "WOW" you as browse our show.    

Additionally, a few teacher initiated projects are also displayed -  in the 7th and 8th grade menus.  In these you will see examples of projects assigned to develop techniques and learn about new media.  

Please look for links to Artist Statements.  As students reflected on their finished work, they were asked to compose an artist statement.  This brief statement helps to explain the ideas behind their work and also the steps they took to creating it.  Click on any student name to access the artist statements.  

Note: Please understand that not every student chose to complete their artist statement or due to time restraints, they were unable to be published digitally.  

About our Art Room  

Our art room functions under a "Modified TAB Choice" environment.  This means students are not only encouraged to make their own choices - it is the expectation and the norm.  Students are seen as the artists and the art room is their studio.  While instructions and demonstrations for techniques and media are still taught directly, students are then released to create art based on their interests, exploring ideas they have and expressing their own voice.  TAB stands for "Teaching for Artistic Behavior" and in our art room we believe that to be an artist is to create your own art, in your own way - not to duplicate the work of another.   

While in the art room, students are developing significant skills that will prepare them for the future.  The habits of an artist include: 

Each item on this list is what you often see an artist doing habitually - instinctively.  And yet habits are developed.  We create habits for ourselves by repeating the behavior.  In our art room, students are developing these habits as they engage in the activities and create their art.  Not only will they develop their ability in art, but they are becoming more prepared for their individual, unique futures.  

Previous Art Shows

Click on these links to view HMS Art Shows from previous years.  

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