U.S. History 2

Course content will emphasize U.S. History beginning with the Civil War, and continuing on through Reconstruction, the Frontier era, growth of big business and railroads, the Progressive period, Imperialism and War, the Roaring 20's, the Great Depression, World War II and its implications, Korean War and the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the social and political atmosphere of the sixties and seventies, and, finally, a look at history through current events. This course will emphasize on a regular basis the importance of understanding and applying what the past lessons of history have taught us in America. Students will learn through a variety of methods including research and writing, cooperative learning, visuals, outside and directed readings, question and answer discussions. Students will learn to listen to, understand, and respect the beliefs, opinions, and ideas of others, not only in history, but also in the class. In addition to developing a greater understanding of U.S. History, students will also develop an understanding of perspective and a basis for wisdom.

Below is a class calendar. The calendar includes all assignments that are posted in Google Classroom, as well as a brief description about my lesson plans every day. If any parent or guardian would like to be included in a Google Classroom, feel free to send me an email and I will add you as soon as possible.