HCS Illuminate Tutorials and Webinars

Getting Started in Illuminate

Accessing Illuminate and locating Help Documents

Finding Common Assessments and Curriculum Documents in Illuminate

Assigning Illuminate Activities in Google Classroom

Google Classroom and Illuminate Video

Post to Google Classroom

Post to Google Classroom Feature

Google Classroom via Quick Code

Post to Classroom using Quick Code link.

Illuminate and Google Classroom

Linking Illuminate Assignments / Assessments to Google Classroom

Creating Assessments and Online Testing

How to create a Flex Assessment - Video

Creating a Flex Assessment

How to create a Flex Assessment

Illuminate Online Assessment-Test in Portal

Online Testing - Test in Portal

Online Testing-Quick Code

Online Testing - Quick Code

How to Create an Online Test Administration

Online Test Options

How to edit an Online Test Administration

Online Testing - How to access and manage Live Proctoring

Linking audio files to online assessments

Color Contrasting Feature - Illuminate Online Testing

Enabling Color Contrasting in Online Testing

Creating a New Item Bank Assessment

Creating a New Item Bank Assessment

Providing Feedback to Students in Illuminate

Grading constructed response questions and providing feedback to Students.

Providing Feedback to Students in Illuminate

Grading constructed response questions and providing feedback to Students.

Entering Data

Entering Data into a Summary Assessment

Entering Data into a Summary Assessment

Illuminate LiG Training

Lightning Grader Training

Uploading Scanned Bubble Sheets into Illuminate

Grade from Scanner

Custom - Prebuilt Reports

Custom Report within an assessment

Creating a Custom Report within an Assessment and applying a 4 point band to convert the Percentage.

Pre-built M-Step Reports

Accessing Pre-built M-Step Reports in Illuminate

Instructions for the Matrix Report in Illuminate

Pre-built Matrix Report - Filters by Question Group (Learning Objectives) and Standard

PRA-Personalized Review Assignment

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Duplicating and Sharing an Assessment

Duplicating and Sharing Assessments

LiG Print Larger Bubbles

Printing larger bubbles on Answer Sheet

Managing Assessment Visibility in Student Portal

How to Manage Assessment Visibility in Student Portal

Editing and applying mass changes to Flex Assessment answer choices

Editing and applying mass changes to Flex Answer Key

Changing Performance Band in Flex Assessment

Changing the performance band in a Flex Assessment

Creating a Performance Band