School Health Services

School Nurse: Suzy Walker, RN, BSN  

PHONE:  (802) 359-4889 

FAX:  (802) 295-8641




Your child SHOULD NOT come to school with any of the following symptoms and will be sent home with:

Your child CAN BE SENT to school with the following symptoms:

Students with potentially infectious symptoms (such as cough, sore throat, or copious nasal drainage) who are well enough to attend school may be asked to wear a mask in order to help limit the spread of the illness to others.


Written verification of immunizations from a health care provider is required by Vermont law.  All students must have written verification of having received all immunizations required for public school attendance OR appropriate documentation of exemption in their school health record.  Religious exemption forms must be completed EACH year. You can obtain this from the Health Office or print the form from the link on this page.

If your child receives a new immunization from your health provider, please send written documentation stating dates and type of immunization received.  If verification of immunizations has not been received, you will be contacted.

Medical Concerns

The goal of the School Health Office is to ensure that students’ healthcare needs are met. Communication between the school, parents/guardians, and community healthcare providers regarding medical/supportive needs is vital to thesuccess and safety of the students. Please encourage your health care providers to communicate pertinent information regarding medical/support needs during the school day to the nurse.  

Please advise the school nurse if your child has a chronic health problem or a health condition that may create a need for emergency or supportive care during the school day.  Some conditions the school nurse should be made aware of are asthma, life threatening allergies, seizures, and diabetes to name a few. It is important that you notify the school nurse during the school year of any changes in your child’s health status.  


Students are not allowed to carry medications on their person with the exception of certain rescue medications

including inhalers and Epi-Pens as well as medication related to diabetes management.  If a student requires medication to be administered during the school day, permission forms must be on file, and the medication must be

received in the original pharmacy labeled container.

The School Health Office will have a supply of acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil) and antacid (TUMs) to be administered at the discretion of the school nurse or her designee as needed for minor aches and pains as long as permission is on file in the way of the signed Student Emergency Information Form.

Non-Prescription medications other than those listed above can be administered by the school nurse or her designee as long as a signed permission form is on file and the medication is provided to the school in the original packaging/container.

All required forms are available in the School Health Office or on this webpage.

Well Child Exams

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends annual well child exams for all school aged children. Establishing care with a primary care provider and dentist for preventive screening and care is important to ensure that children receive all appropriate health services and that their full learning potential is not impacted by poor health. For more information please check out the Bright Futures website: