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I am on Team ATTITUDE. What does that mean?

Team ATTITUDE students typically have 3 of the same teachers:  Ms. Fernandez for English, Ms. Blevins for World History, and Mrs. Reed for Science.  If you are absent or have a question about your work (especially after 3:30 p.m.), contacting a team classmate can be helpful for the three team classes. 


All work is started in class and any portion you do not finish during class becomes your 'homework'. and is due the next school day.  

If class time is used wisely, work can often be finished by the end of class.  

When work is finished, you still need to take time to check over your work to make sure you completely finished and answered all questions. Unfinished work is marked incomplete since it is not completely finished. Quality answers will better prepare you for assessments.  

Parents:  Ask to see your student's work.  Work will sometimes be on paper and sometimes electronic in Google Classroom (ask your student to open Google Classroom and show you the work).  A quick glance for completeness and quality answers is a great way that you can encourage and reinforce the importance of finishing a job.

Question about work?

The best time to ask a question about your work is during class while you are doing your work.  The next best time is right after school before you leave campus. You can also send an email question from 2:35 - 3:30 p.m., but I could be in a meeting and cannot reply to emails then. Remember that you can contact a teammate also for a question. Emails sent after 3:30 p.m. will not be seen by me until the next school day.  Please send emails through Google Classroom, People tab. 

Note: All teacher emails can be accessed by clicking on this link on the Placerita website.

Need to contact me?

The best time to ask a question is during class. or after school as I am there from 2:35-3:30 p.m. (unless I have a meeting).  You can also send an email question from 2:35 - 3:30 p.m.  Emails sent after 3:30 p.m. will not be seen by me until the next school day.  Students, please send emails through Google Classroom, People tab. 

Parents:  Note: All teacher emails can be accessed by clicking on this link on the Placerita website.  My email is

Can I go to the library to do my homework?

The Placerita Library is a great place to go to do your work from 7:40 - 8:00  a.m., during lunch, and after school 2:35-3:00 p.m. There are textbooks available, tables to spread out and do your work, and computers for work and/or checking grades on Infinite Campus. 

I have missing work. Can I still turn it in?

Doing work is important to learn or reinforce the concept so any work that is missing can be turned in late.  Since work is not due until the next school day and thus given extra time to finish, missing work turned in late will not receive full credit. Turning in missing work the NEXT school day is best to get you caught up in class.  Missing work will NOT be accepted AFTER a quiz or test assessment

What is Infinite Campus and what are grades like for this class?

Infinite Campus Portal is the grade program that shows your overall grades for all your classes. Don't just look at the overall grade. Click on a class title to see the details of the grade.  When you click on the class title 'Science 7', you will see two categories (Work and Tests) where your earned points have been entered. Click the plus sign for both Work and Tests to see the details.  Both work and tests count toward your overall grade. Here is what grades reflect:

A = above average, excellent 

B = above average, good

C = average

D = below average, need to turn in more work and study more for tests

F = far below average, failing the class, need to turn in more work and study more for tests

How often should Infinite Campus be checked?

Your work and tests will be posted in the grade program Infinite Campus Portal after I have taken the time to check, grade, record, and enter your earned points.  I update grades typically 1 to 2 times per week.  You should also check 1 to 2 times per week. 

When you are in your school google account, Infinite Campus (IC) can easily be accessed using the waffle and scrolling all the way down to Infinite Campus.  You can also access IC a computer and going to the Placerita website or by clicking these links:  IC Student   IC Parent.  Students click the "Sign In with Google" button to login.  You can also check IC by using the Campus Portal app. There is a student app and a parent app (the only difference is the menu/tab order).  Type in for the school district "William S Hart" (no period, no other words).