10th Grade Counseling Google Classroom Code:  


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Copy of 10th Grade Fall 2023

10th Grade Fall Presentation

Take some time to review this presentation information. We cover grad requirements, A-G requirements, CCR info, and class selection information for Junior year. If you were absent on the day of this presentation, check in with a counselor to recap this presentation and ask any question you might have. Some of the slides have direct links to websites and applications. Just hover over some of the words to see if they direct you to a separate link. 

 Thinking about College?

If your plan is to apply to 4-year colleges in your senior year, it's never too early to start informing yourself. 

Click on the link below to read all about it. 

Sophomore Year Tips

Here are some tips for our sophomores to consider during your 2nd year as a high school student. 

Get back in a routine - including breaks as needed. Routines give us the predictability and structure we crave in times of uncertainty. Even in a pre-pandemic world, routines were an integral part of helping each student excel. Now, having an established back-to-school routine will be more important than ever.

Share your conerns and questions with a teacher or counselor. Our faculty members are here to provide the support and care you need. We're your advocates and allies. If you're feeling overwhelmed or have any concerns as you return to school, we are in your corner. Whether you're daunted by your workload or simply feeling anxious about readjusting to campus life, you can share openly and honestly with your teachers.

Practice good hygiene habits. Now's the time to build strong hygiene habits that will feel like second nature by the time the fall semester begins. While we'll have strict measures in place to ensure safety and sanitization, you can do your part by practicing washing your hands and avoiding touching your face.

Stay flexible. We understand that flexibility is easier said than done! However, we're all sharing the same boat. Everyone is learning and working together to adapt in order to create a safe, supportive space for our community. Keep in mind that things may change quickly, which will make positivity and a flexible mindset your greatest assets.

Join a club or take up a new sport. Whether you want to learn something new or make new friends, joining a club or taking up a new sport is a great way to do it. Even if you feel like you have nothing in common with the other kids in the group, that won’t be true for long – you’ll bond through club activities.

Get along with your teachers. This is a really important survival tactic. When your friends can’t help you, your teachers can give you the information you need. Just a simple, “How was your day?” can go a long way with them. If you're thinking about college, many times you will need a recommendation letter so start building rapport with your teachers. Our teachers here are tight!

Look for Leadership Opportunities. By now, you should have identified a few extracurricular activities that align with your talents and interests. If you haven’t, you should be thinking about which activities on your plate best showcase and use your skills. You should be devoting yourself to a few as opposed to spreading yourself too thin across many.