9th Grade Counseling Google Classroom Code: 

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9th grade spring registration 2023 presentation

9th Grade Spring Presentation

Take some time to review this presentation information. We cover grad requirements, A-G requirements, CCR info, and classes for Sophomore year. If you were absent on the day of this presentation, check in with a counselor to recap this presentation and ask any question you might have. Some of the slides have direct links to websites and applications. Just hover over some of the words to see if they direct you to a separate link. 

 Thinking about College?

If your plan is to apply to 4-year colleges in your senior year, it's never too early to start informing yourself. 

Click on the link below to read all about it. 

Tips for Freshman from High School Seniors

High school can be a difficult four years for students, but being prepared before you set foot in the school on the first day of class can make the transition a little easier. Here are some tips from high school seniors that may help you to navigate the waters of entering high school a little bit easier.

Remember that you are not alone. While you may feel like the only one who is struggling, remember that hundreds of other students are going through the exact thing you are – and that’s just in your school alone, kids all over the country are making the same transition. It may be difficult at first but you’ll adjust and find your place.

Join a club or take up a new sport. Whether you want to learn something new or make new friends, joining a club or taking up a new sport is a great way to do it. Even if you feel like you have nothing in common with the other kids in the group, that won’t be true for long – you’ll bond through club activities.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This advice scares a lot of students but asking for helps just means you care. There is no shame in needing or asking for help. In fact, if you don’t ask for help you could just be putting yourself in a more difficult situation that may be easily solved simply by asking for help. Take advantage of your school counselor as well as your teachers.

Find good friends and be open to making new friends. Even if you have some friends from middle school who are joining you in high school, you should be open to expanding your friend group. The more students you know and have friendships with, the less alone and overwhelmed you are going to feel. You’ll actually enjoy your high school experience!

Pay attention in class and do the homework. Nobody loves homework but keeping up with your classwork is very important if you are going to do well in high school. It may not seem important to you at the time but when it comes time to apply to college you’ll be glad you made the effort.

Get along with your teachers. This is a real important survival tactic. When your friends can’t help you, your teachers can give you the information you need. Just a simple, “How was your day?” can go a long way with them. If you're thinking about college, many times you will need a recommendation letter so start building rapport with your teachers. Our teachers here are tight!

Don’t forget to have fun. High school can be difficult and scary at times, but it can also be fun! There are plenty of student activities to take advantage of and new friends to be made. Enter high school with a willing heart and an open mind, and you’ll be fine.