Circle of Friends


Circle of Friends is an inclusion club that enhances the lives of students with and without disabilities by providing opportunities to develop social skills through building friendships. CoF meets during lunch period where students eat together, socialize, play games and more!

We also celebrate holidays, have bowling events and movie nights! Every student that participates for at least one year will be eligible to earn a graduation cord.

Through CoF we have seen a decrease of bullying on campus and an increase of accepting others that may be different than ourselves.


The mission of “Circle of Friends” is to establish an environment of inclusion for teens and young adults with developmental disabilities on the Golden Valley High School Campus as well as within their community, focusing on the understanding and acceptance of differences. We provide students the opportunity to acquire, practice and improve social/conversational skills and problem solving strategies in a natural environment in order to increase self esteem, thus leading to a more successful adult life.

What we've done

We do more than change lives. We inspire each other to be great.

Join COF today!