Harrow High School


Summer Term: 26 May 2023

Dates For Your Diary

5 June 2023: School returns Summer Term Second Half

19 June 2023: Year 10 Work Experience Week

21 & 22 June 2023: Key Stage 3 Aspiration Trips

22 June 2023: Year 11 Graduation

5 July 2023: Moving Up Day for Year 6 

Aspirations Trips

As part of the aspirational programme we have arranged two trip days on Wednesday 21 June and Thursday 22 June for all learners in Key Stage 3. Learning outside the classroom is widely recognised as a valuable and effective means of extending pupil knowledge, enriching pupil understanding, and promoting personal and social development. The school believes wholeheartedly in the value of these experiences, and during these times the school will be subsidising the costs of the trips by covering more than 50% of the cost of all visits in an attempt to ensure that these opportunities are accessible and affordable to all.

Please log on to your ParentPay account to see the amount you are required to contribute and to give consent for your child to go on the trip.

Shakespeare Bronze School

Harrow High School is proud to announce that  the school has been awarded a Bronze participation medal for three successive performances with Coram Shakespeare Festival:  'Macbeth' (2019) 'Romeo and Juliet' (2022)  and 'Much Ado About Nothing' (2023). This entitles us to display the bronze logo on our website and is a great achievement for us.

Coram Shakespeare Schools Festival 2023

Shakespeare Schools Festival is a cultural education project that supports young people to perform abridged Shakespeare plays on professional theatre stages. This year learners from Harrow High School 'threaded the boards' at The Beck Theatre in Hayes and they all gaining a vital cultural experience.

Since September, our learners have been preparing their production of Shakespeare's Much A Do About Nothing aided by with workshops lead by professional actors and directors from the Corman  School Shakespeare Foundation. This year they performed their final piece in front of an audience and their work received a fabluous review. 

Culture Day 2023

On 5 May, Harrow High School celebrated its first ever Culture Day. Students and staff members dressed in outfits that represented their cultures and ethnicities. The canteen was decorated with flags from around the world and served dishes inspired by global cuisines. 

In their English lessons, Key Stage 3 students had the opportunity to reflect on the unique aspects of their culture and produce a poem to honour their individual identities. It was incredible to see all our students embrace and celebrate the spirit of multiculturalism - keep an eye out for their winning poem entries in the next Newsletter! 

Miss G Rajeev

(English Teacher)

“As merry as the day is long ” 

 “a fun, visually striking and excellently performed Much Ado About Nothing from a talented and committed cast”

Much Ado About Nothing

By Harrow High School

At The Beck Theatre, 21 March 2023

Appraised by Lucy Allan

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you, Harrow High School, for your marvellous interpretation of Much Ado About Nothing as part of the Spring 23 Shakespeare Schools Festival. It was a great night at the theatre, and I’d like to take this time here to mention a few things that I really loved!

From the opening moments of this classic comedy, you took the text and you made it your own. You used a range of visually exciting stage pictures, music and design elements to bring this story to life. The striking use of masks to tell this tale of deceit and trickery was a particular highlight.

Your characterisation throughout was crystal clear, and a lot of hard work had obviously had gone into bringing these characters to life. The whole company was professional, confident and resilient, and rose to the challenges of performing this play with generosity and maturity. There was active listening and reacting throughout, which gave the scenes texture and made the world onstage feel real and multilayered. 

The dance at the end of your performance really captured the spirit of your production. It was fun, surprising, and demonstrated some really excellently executed stagecraft. I never realised how much Shakespeare was asking to be soundtracked by Prince and Madonna!

This was a fun, visually striking and excellently performed Much Ado About Nothing from a talented and committed cast.

We’re thrilled to back in a theatre with you again this year and have been so impressed by your commitment, bravery and resilience. We hope that you and your teachers are very proud of what you have achieved.

Looking forward to seeing Harrow High School in the next Festival!

Year 10 Pre-Public Examinations

Year 10 Pre-Public Examinations start on 26 June 2023. Parents and learners should have received an electronic copy of the upcoming Year 10 Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs). These PPEs are a great opportunity to assess our Year 10 learners and identify what gaps in knowledge and skills exist. This will be vital information for us as a school to ensure we are able to implement strategies during Year 11 to address any gaps and improve outcomes. 

We are asking both learners and parents to be mindful that these examinations take place directly after work experience. With this in mind it is important that learners are revising on their return from work experience each day and there will be Seneca assignments set to help with this. 

Mr Nick Corner

(Associate Headteacher, KS4 Achievement and Intervention)

Eid Celebrations at Harrow High

Eid al-Fitr is one of the most significant celebrations in the Islamic calendar, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan. This joyous occasion is celebrated by millions of Muslims around the world, including students and staff at Harrow High School. We are pleased that we are able to recognize and celebrate the festival, promoting cultural awareness and inclusivity among our students and staff.

At Harrow High School, we found  many wonderful ways to celebrate Eid. The decorations, special menu in the canteen, and music in the corridors all helped to create a festive atmosphere that was sure to put everyone in a celebratory mood. The free dessert handed out to students and staff, in the form of Turkish delight, was a thoughtful touch that would have undoubtedly been appreciated by many.

It's heartening to see our school and others around the country taking the initiative to celebrate cultural and religious festivals like Eid, as it promotes a greater sense of understanding and acceptance among students of all backgrounds. By embracing diversity and creating a welcoming environment, schools can play a crucial role in fostering social harmony and breaking down barriers between different communities.

Mr C. Preda

(Head of Inclusion Services)

Year 7: 

Ahmed Q (22573)

Laila D (16528) 

Sakshi B (9475)

Sparx Maths Champions

Sparx Maths is the foundation of Harrow High’s innovative mathematics homework strategy, which sets bespoke, challenging, but most importantly achievable homework. Hence, learners experience weekly success in building confidence and motivation. Research by Cambridge University found that time spent actively working in Sparx Maths is positively and significantly associated with high outcomes in maths. Learners with the most XPs each half term are rewarded with an Amazon voucher and a certificate of achievement.

Mr P Parekh

(Mathematics Teacher)

Year 8 :

Ruwaida D (37976)

Yuvraani D (14947)

Bibi Aisha M (13473)

Year 9 :

Nishka S (6974)

Vivaan P (5839)

Yashkumar P (5200)

Year 10 :

Richard P (13657) 

Twinky W (7546)

Nirajan B (4398)

Year 11 :

Mahikan S  (3184)

Delia N (3183)

Andreea C (2933)

Second-Hand Uniform Donations

Many items of uniform have a longer life when children have outgrown them and could be re-used. As well as saving families money, re-using uniform also reduces our impact on the environment. 

We would be very grateful if you would consider donating  any unwanted items of uniform that are in good condition and could be worn by another child. 

Please donate items that are:

We will be collecting uniform throughout the summer term. Donations can be handed in at Reception or your child can take it to Welfare. 

If you would like to request any uniform:

Medical & Welfare

Spring has officially arrived! This means we are experiencing a significant increase in learners displaying a range of different hayfever symptoms. For this reason, I would like to advise parents to please provide their child with antihistamines/allergy tablets before coming to school, or to provide the school with the medication so that it can be administered more efficiently. 

I would also like to remind parents/carers whose children suffer from asthma to ensure that their child has an asthma pump in their bags at all times as well as supplying the school with a spare inhaler which can be used for emergencies. 

It is crucial that your child has their own inhaler  in their bag so they can manage a sudden attack with more ease. I would also like to emphasize that each learner with an asthma pump should also have their own spacers as this helps distribute the medication  more efficiently. 

Lastly, if you have a child who has severe allergies, please ensure they have their own epi-pens in their bag as well as two separate epi-pens that are to remain at school for emergencies.

There will be regular random spot-checks to ensure that the learners with inhalers/epi-pens are carrying their necessary medications with them at all times. 

Ms D. Naboulsi

(Learner Services Officer)