Year Group Updates

Ms Barrett & Ms Campbell

Our Year 7's continue to throw themselves wholeheartedly into all that is on offer at Harrow High School. Clubs run during break times and after school most days. There is such a wide variety available, from board games to football, code club and band and STEAM. Please encourage your child to try at least one club each week and if they attend an after school activity, ensure you are aware what time they will return home.

Harrow High School also celebrated World Book Day. What wonderful costumes Year 7 created. Congratulations to the Y7 winners: Murtaza, Ananya, Anaya P and Deepshika. Reading opens up so many windows, widening horizons and broadening minds. Reading more will help to improve children's vocabulary while learning new information, and enhancing their creativity in the process! 

Mr Burt & Mr Turner

Learners in Year 8 will be excited to look forward to trips in the summer term. Learners will be going to Ninja warrior, a museum and golfing. In the April half-term there will be free haircuts given to learners who have signed up to our giving back to the community event. This is an event run by Mr. Burt and barber Xander, pronounced like 'Zander' (Instagram - xandfadez). Xander and Mr. Burt are looking to give back to the community through free haircuts, this will be on offer to all disadvantaged kids in Year 8 and hopefully extended to the rest of the school if it proves successful.  

Mr Kalish-Smith & Ms Worley

Year 9 has been working hard in the leadup to making their GCSE options choices. To assist in this process, learners were presented with an assembly on apprenticeships and the many career options available for those looking for a more 'hands-on' approach to learning. As a reward for their hard work, and as part of their social-emotional learning (empathy, compassion) Year 9 were treated to a performance by Box Theatre Company of 'An Inspector Calls'. The play required them to solve a murder-mystery while trying to understand the motivations of the suspects.

Learners have also been enthusiastically continuing with after school clubs - Maths and English clubs are attended regularly by Year 9, the Friday afternoon Board Games club is achieving record numbers, and the Army Cadets have been busy with exercises and trips up to Harrow School.

Ms Akhtar & Ms Tucker

With only a few weeks left to term, Year 10 have been focusing a great deal of time on writing personal statements and their first CVs, enthusiastically preparing themselves for work experience in June. This time will prove invaluable in equipping them with the skills needed for their first job. Please do encourage your child to find their own placements, to ensure they reap the full benefits of this opportunity. The deadline for self-placements is the 27 March 2023. 

Your child's academic reports for this term are also now available. Please track your child's progress and encourage them to address any gaps or low scores with revision (utilising the various homework clubs the school offers), independent work and more contributions during lesson time. 

Also, a huge good luck to all the students partaking in extra-curricular sports. A special mention goes to the football club who are preparing for their next match against Park High School. 

Coming up at the end of term, we have our termly Rewards Assembly to look forward to, where students from each form will be rewarded for their efforts, behaviour, and communications. 

Mr Goncalves & Ms Mehta

As we are fast approaching the summer GCSE series, we are holding the last set of pre-public exams. As mentioned before, this is a great opportunity for learners to familiarise themselves with how the summer series will operate in terms of timetable, breaks and briefings by Heads of Department prior to the exams. It is of the utmost importance learners attend all these exams as this will provide valuable information on their weaknesses, so work can be done prior to the final exams.

We have also booked a venue for our Prom - more details will follow on a separate letter to parents. If you haven’t reserved a place for both Graduation (Thursday, 22 June 2023 ) and Prom (Friday, 23 June 2023), then please do so before the 24 March 2023 as we will be sending the final numbers to the venue then.

Can we also please remind you that full school uniform is compulsory for PPE and final exams - for these weeks no PE kit is allowed. We have reinforced these basic expectations with some learners having to go home and correct their uniform, which unfortunately is resulting in them missing lessons. Thank you for your ongoing support with this.

Mr Charles

Year 12 recently attended the John Lyon School University Fair, providing them with an opportunity to talk to universities about their future education. We hope it gave them an insight into the variety of universities and courses available. 

Last Friday marked the end of PPE week for our A level students. We were very pleased to see 100% attendance to exams and look forward to some good results. We hope our learners will reap the rewards of their hard work throughout the year. 

Finally, on Friday the Sixth Form student leadership team will be raising money for Red Nose Day by selling doughnuts and asking learners to wear an item of red in addition to their normal uniform. The doughnut sale will take place during first breaks.