Harrow High School


Spring 2: 10 February 2023

Dates For Your Diary

20 February 2023: School returns

24 February 2023: Year 12 John Lyon Careers Trip

27 February 2023: School Choir Showcase

3 March 2023: Year 9 An Inspector Calls 

13 March 2023: Year 11 Pre-public examinations (mocks) start

Pop Art

This half term Year 8 have been analysing the work of 1960’s, American, pop art icon Roy Lichtenstein. The piece of work we have been recreating is the popular diptych painting ‘Whaam’.

Ms Barrett

(Head of Year 7 & Art Teacher)

Muadh 8UCL

Yuvraj 8UCL

Yuvraani 8UCL

Attendance and Attainment  

There are many variables in education and outcomes. One constant is the impact attendance has on attainment. At Harrow High School, we have analysed the outcomes of our 2022 Year 11 cohort, grouping attainment in attendance bands, for example the attainment of those who have 100% attendance compared to those with below 85% attendance.

The outcomes clearly show the different outcomes achieved in different attendance bands. A progress 8 score of 2.0 would indicate learners in that attendance band achieved 2 grades higher than expected in every subject. Those with below 85% were close to achieving nearly 1 grade lower than expected in every subject. 

Attendance Band         Progress 8 

100%                                 2.0

95-99.9%                        0.9

90-94.9%                       -0.01

Below 85%                     -0.71

The outcomes clearly show the different outcomes achieved in different attendance bands. A progress 8 score of 2.0 would indicate learners in that attendance band achieved 2 grades higher than expected in every subject. Those with below 85% were close to achieving nearly 1 grade lower than expected in every subject. 

The data is clear - attendance is so important and we urge everyone to aim for as high as possible. 

Mr N. Corner 

(Associate Headteacher, KS4 Achievement and Intervention)

Diversity and Inclusion at HHS

LGBTQ+ History Month 

As part of our ongoing commitment towards being a diverse and inclusive school, on the 7 February 2023, our Year 9 students have been invited to participate in a series of workshops on the theme of LGBTQ+ identities. Gonzalo from Diversity Role Models, (the same organizations that last year provided training for all staff) delivered 6 sessions which were very well received by all students and teachers. 

We hope that all this work will contribute towards supporting an environment where every member of our school community feels welcomed, supported and valued! 

Mr C. Preda 

(Sociology Teacher & Director Inclusion)

Design & Technology Year 11 Interventions

Non-Examination Assessment

Ms Quinn's Year 11 Design and Technology learners are invited to attend Saturday interventions. Please note that the consent slips must be returned to Ms Quinn, in T5 as soon as possible. Below are the dates intervention classes will be running:

All leaners are required to meet deadlines for their non-examination assessment in order to achieve a successful outcome. To stay on track learners must complete the following pages by 10 March 2023:

By 31 March 2023, the following pages should be done:

Ms J. Quinn 

(Head of Art, Design & Technology)