Harrow High School


Spring Term: April 2023

Dates For Your Diary

17 April 2023: Summer Term begins. Summer polo shirts to be worn

19 April 2023: Year 10 GCSE Drama trip 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

26 April 2023: Year 10 Queen Mary University visit

26-27 April 2023: Year 11 Art GCSE Exam 

1 May 2023: May Day Bank Holiday

8 May 2023: Bank Holiday for Coronation of King Charles III

Modern Foreign Languages 

The Year 11 Spanish and Italian Learners are working hard to make sure they are well prepared for their oral exams which take place shortly after Easter. As this is worth 25% of the final Grade I am happy to see the level of engagement.We  have sets of flashcards for Spanish that Year 11 Learners are welcome to borrow and use at home as additional revision resources. Please just ask your Spanish teacher.

Year 10 have been looking at festivals and celebrations this half-term and have been surprised at the number of festivals that take place ranging from La Tomatina (Battle of the Tomatos) to Los Sanfermines  (Running of the bulls). It is an opportunity  for us to celebrate events that are important to us. 

Learners have been able to write about which festivals matter to them and why. Many wrote about the importance of Eid and therefore we wish them and our School Community  Eid Mubarak!

Year 9 have had the opportunity to consider the role of social media in their lives . They found the pictures of the first telephones very funny! The question of whether they could live  without their mobiles  gave rise to lively debate!

Meanwhile, Year 8 have been looking at free time and hobbies and it was interesting that traditional broadcast television no longer seems to feature in their lives .

Year 7 have been learning about differences and similarities between Spanish , Italian and other languages. 

Well done to all our language learners for helping to make languages such a vital part of our curriculum at Harrow High School!

Mrs Bansal

(Head of Modern Foreign Languages)

Year 11 Summer Exams and Booster Timetable

We are fast approaching the GCSE exams. Please be aware that we continue with compulsory school throughout the examination period. Learners are in school, either in exams or in important booster sessions. 

Please see the summer exam timetable: learners have received their individual transcripts which need to be checked. The main contingency day for this exam series is Wednesday 21 June 2023. Therefore learners need to be available for this date incase of the unlikely postponement of any exams. 

We also ask you to work with your child to ensure that they have 100% attendance at school. Every lesson really does count at this stage. 

Mr Corner

(Associate Headteacher, KS4 Achievement and Intervention)


The History department has begun its annual Saturday interventions for Year 11 as its now getting closer to the real exams. Attendance and engagement in our Saturday GCSE sessions has been excellent.  This is a vital part of our 'last push' for the final exams in May and June. Continued parental support with this is very much appreciated! 

Well done to those dedicated learners attending Period 7 on a Friday after school! The sessions are proving very useful for those that are attending. We are hoping for more learners to attend after the Easter break! 

In the pipeline are more History trips for different year group.  The History department is currently researching a Year 8 trip to the Imperial War Museum during the summer term. This will tie in with the recent module we have been studying during our history lesson on the First World War. 

Mr J. Bruce

(Head of History)


This half-term, we have run two Year 11 field work trips. Eight learners attended the catch-up trip to Brighton on Saturday 18 March. They completed their Physical Geography study of erosion and other coastal processes. They braved the difficult weather to collect data to analyse in their exams, followed by some well-deserved lunch.

Meanwhile, 63 learners attended the Human Geography fieldwork trip to Stratford, London. They collected data regarding urban development, which involved assessing the impact of the 2012 Olympic Bid on a once under-developed area of London. The learners were also tasked with conducting questionnaires with members of the public. They were fantastically well behaved and a credit to Harrow High School. 

In Year 10, there are provisional plans to take them on their Physical Geography field trip in the coming summer term. Look out for developments on this after Easter.  

Moreover, the attendance and engagement in our Saturday GCSE intervention sessions has been very good.  Learners have received extra help from members of the Geography department from 9:30am to 12:00pm. There are more of these lined up during Easter and after the Easter break. 

Well done to those dedicated Year 11 learners attending Period 7 on a Friday after school! The sessions are proving very useful for those that are attending. We are hoping for more learners to attend after the Easter break! 

Finally, a school trip to Kew Gardens for Year 9 Geography students has been booked for the Summer Term. The Geography department is working with Ms Bowen and the aspirations team  to ensure another successful HHS trip. 

Co-Curricular Activities: Summer Term 2023

It is an ambition of the school to provide learners with a large, and broad variety of opportunities that complement (hence "Co"-curriculum), and enhance the academic curriculum. This will allow our  learners to develop their character and improve their wellbeing. Please find the new Co-curricular Programme Timetable for the Summer Term, and a description of the clubs on offer, on the webpage below: Harrow High School - Summer Co-Curricular Programme 

We are hoping that during the Easter Break parents and students could explore the information on the website and see which clubs they would be keen to participate in. 

While most clubs will have capacity, some may be very popular, and we will need to limit numbers, and fairly allocate places.  Please note that some clubs are ‘invitation only’ to meet learners’ individual needs. If your child has been invited to such a club, please encourage them to attend and also complete the Google form mentioned above.

Mr C. Preda

(Associate Headteacher, Director of Inclusion Services)

Year 10 Football: Semi-final

Semi Final vs Park

The Year 10 team took to the field against Park High away at their ground. Harrow High started strong and continued like that for the whole game. There was clean, crisp passing and some excellent play in and out of possession. 

Two of the best goals I have seen in my years of teaching were scored in this game.

Firstly, Domeiro Allen Bobb-Semple scored a cultured right foot curler from just outside the box that settled into the top right corner.

Kiyaon Moore then rounded off his hat-trick scoring from 40 metres out with the BEST goal I have seen at school boy level. It powered through the air and smashed into the back of the net!

HHS 7-2 Park

Year 10 Football: Final

Final vs Avanti (Thursday 30th March)

Harrow played away to a well-drilled Avanti team. There was a strong wind blowing directly down the pitch at the start. HHS were playing into the wind. It remained even until the wind carried the ball through and our sweeper was outpaced and had to make a foul. It was close to the edge of the box and a tough call was made by the ref to award a penalty to Avanti which the converted.

More pressure ensued, but the Y10 keeper Ronnie made some outstanding saves keeping them in the game. Marius scored a counterattack goal just before half time making it 1-1.

It was a relatively even second half and got very physical. But HHS were more dominant. Domeiro scored a rangy effort outside the box then settled in the Avanti net with 10 minutes to go, making it 2-1.

Avanti then mounted pressure onto HHS, almost being awarded a penalty with what could have been deemed a hand ball by Jatin However after review it was not given.  HHS won the final 2-1 

Year 9 Volleyball

Please congratulate 9 UCL on winning the Year 9 Interform volleyball tournament. Both 9Oxford and  9UCL qualified, beating most other forms on their way to the final. It was a close match but in the end 9UCL edged it winning 2 games to nil.

Year 10 Handball

Harrow High vs Whitmore

Harrow and Whitmore played their annual Handball fixture hosted by us a few weeks ago.

Two strong teams took to the court. It was a closely fought match with some outstanding goals being scored including one from Chaim Silcott Yr10 who was playing up a year. But the man of the match went to our GK Zion who kept us in the game after a brief Whitmore spell. After we doused the pressure from Whitmore HHS managed to mount successful attack after attack winning the game 21-10

Mr R. Eston

(Head of Sports)

Shakespeare Schools Festival

National Shakespeare Week was full of wonderful creativity at Harrow High School. Our Drama and Art learners designed sets and costumes for Macbeth. Meanwhile, scripts were memorised and rehearsed for the drama club performance of 'Much Ado About Nothing' at the Beck Theatre. This was followed by the whole of Year 8 travelling to Shakespeare's Globe to watch 'The Tempest'.