
4th Grade: Trimester 1

Topic 1: Generalize Place Value

Topic 2: Fluently Add and Subtract Whole Numbers

Topic 3: Use Properties to Multiply 1 digit numbers

Topic 4: Use Properties to Multiply 2 digit numbers

Topic 5: Use Properties to Divide 1 digit numbers

Trimester 2

Topic 6: Use Operations with Whole Numbers to Solve Problems

Topic 7: Factors and Multiples

Topic 8: Extend Understanding of Fraction Equivalence and Ordering

Topic 9: Understand Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

Topic 10: Extend Multiplication Concepts to Fractions

Topic 11: Represent and Interpret Data on Line Plots

Trimester 3:

Topic 12: Understand and Compare Decimals

Topic 13: Measurement

Topic 14: Algebra: Generate and Analyze Patterns

Topic 15: Geometric Measurement: Understand Concepts of Angles and Angle Measurement

Topic 16: Lines, Angles, and Shapes