Georgia Milestones
What is the purpose of Georgia Milestones?
The Georgia Milestones Assessment System is designed to provide information about how well students are mastering the state-adopted content standards in the core content areas of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Importantly, Georgia Milestones is designed to provide students with critical information about their own achievement and their readiness for their next level of learning – be it the next grade, the next course, or the next endeavor (college or career).
Informing parents, educators, and the public about how well students are learning important content is an essential aspect of any educational assessment and accountability system. Parents, the public, and policy makers, including local school districts and boards of education, can use the results as a barometer of the quality of educational opportunity provided throughout the state of Georgia.
Click the image above to view or print our Harris County School District (HCSD) informational brochure.

Visit the link above to download PDF Study Guides for grades 3-8 (and other tested content areas), developed and provided by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE).