Harnett Central High School Scholarships

College can be expensive, but luckily there are many resources to help. In order to assist with your scholarship search, Harnett Central High School Student Services has provided this site as a source for your scholarship search. Some state and national scholarships can be found on this site, but our primary goal is to keep our students informed concerning local scholarships.

In addition to using this site, we encourage you to contact the schools you are interested in attending and ask about scholarships they may offer. Many will have this information on the web, so get to know those college websites! If you don't find information online, contact the college's admissions office. An admissions counselor is usually happy to assist you.

Please also be sure to check the College Foundation of North Carolina at cfnc.org. This is a great place to find information on many of our state and private colleges and also has great tools and resources to help you prepare for college. In addition to this please make sure you have completed the FASFA.

Tell us about your scholarship success!

Congratulations on receiving a scholarship. Please report your scholarship information by completing the google form linked below. You must be signed into your student account to access the google form.

Letters of Recommendation

Do you need a letter of recommendation from a teacher or your school counselor? It's important that you provide us with information so we can highlight your successes. To help you we have linked a form below that you can print, complete, and hand to the recommender. Please also keep in mind that it takes time to complete a letter of recommendation. Please give your recommender at least 10 days notice before the letter of recommendation needs to be submitted.