Summer School

2020 Summer School information


is now Closed.



Students can begin registering for Summer Session II

DEADLINE for registering is June 12th.

Harmony is offering summer school for students who either have a failing semester grade from any semester or an "I" semester from Spring 2020.

Courses will be mostly synchronous with an hour of live lecture daily. These courses are not self-paced in that there are due dates and deadlines, however all learning will take place remotely.

Google Classroom, Zoom and Google Meets will be the primary tools for virtual learning. By registering for summer school, you agree to use all these formats.

Summer School Dates: May 26, 2020 - July 3, 2020

Location: Remote Learning

Assistant Principal: Dr. Wyatt


Please contact your student's High School Counselor's office to address questions specific to your student's summer school needs.

Step by Step Instructions for participating in Summer School

Step 1: Students will go to use the Summer School Google Classrooms page below to locate the course they are taking.

Step 2: Use the link to join the google Classroom.

Step 3: Students will check each Classroom for invitations to daily zoom meeting, assignments and instructions.

Step 4: Students will complete the assignment for each course.

Step 5: Students will attend daily zoom meeting using the link on the Google Classroom.

Step 6: Students can attend the tutoring time for each class if they need assistance. A zoom link will be in the Google Classroom for the meeting. This is where you get your questions answered and show your progress for the week. Your instructor may ask you to attend if he/she feels you need the extra coaching.

Step 7: Students will follow instructions via Google Classroom for each class and turn in work virtually. All work will be turned in electronically via the Google Classroom.