Critical Thinking

What is it?

Critical thinking is the process of evaluating information to determine its quality, accuracy, or validity. It is an open-minded approach to problem solving, seeking out alternative and creative solutions to conflicts.

Why is it important?

Critical thinking encourages creativity and can improve the expression of ideas. The practice of critical thinking can improve thought quality, which can lead to better life choices and decisions. Critical thinking allows for the evaluation of ideas so that we can expand and promote more efficient solutions to problems.

What activities support this at home?

Encourage Free Play

The definition of critical thinking can be complicated for even an adult to understand. It has to do with the process of observing, applying and evaluating information. In other words, critical thinking is how you learn from interpreting and experiencing the world around you.

We live in an age with many distractions that negate how important it is for kids to play.

When children free-play, they will face natural challenges that need to be overcome. Free-play provides opportunities for a child to exercise problem-solving real life conflicts. These scenarios can be as basic as playing a version of "house". Your child can retrieve pots and pans, and in addition to banging on them, pretend to be a cook. During play, your child will discover real-life skills that are needed to identify a problem, resolve a conflict, and take action.

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Resources to encourage your child's critical thinking skills...

Children are open and willing to learn new fundamental skills. “JumpStart’s” critical thinking activities are a great way to engage students and encourage critical thinking and logical reasoning skills in them!

"Jump Start" Online Activities

©2019 JumpStart Games, Inc.

Scholastic Online

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