"Travel abroad and don’t feel pressured to have it all together. It will come together."

"I have now been at harcum for a whole semester and it was an experience! The campus is very easy to get around. Some tips for you guys would be definitely getting in the library with study groups it will help if you’re struggling getting work in or just can’t focus in your room. Harcum has a lot of resources you can use like the tutors in the academic center even if you can’t make it to the library or your not staying on campus they have zoom options as well just set up a meeting. Another thing is get the college experience. Make friends have fun don’t just think harcum is all academics because it’s not you gotta get involved in things like RA’s have game nights, little things that are fun too do when you have nothing too do. My connections I made at harcum was with my professors. At other colleges you can’t rlly talk with your professors how it was back in high school but harcum professors will talk with you about things if they see your struggling and will recommend getting help. with that it’s only to help you succeed in the long run. But like I said harcum is a great school they have that family culture that everyone looks for when it comes to picking colleges"

"Do not be afraid to introduce yourself to people."

"Make sure to attend YOUR CLASSES and make sure you are ON TIME!! Give yourself an extra little grace period so you can get a snack or study before your next class. The transition into college was difficult especially coming right out of high school, make sure to use the Student Success Center if you have any problems or question's they’re here to help you and to broaden your ideas and aspirations and pro tip- (IT IS FREE!) So use it!! College will help your future profession by giving you the skills to learn hands on and talk to diverse people of different ages, ethnicity’s , so that you can unlock your full potential and create and share ideas! My favorite thing about college is the independence, you could take a walk after your classes, go to lunch/ brunch in between your breaks, stop and grab a coffee to relax in Klein dining hall. Welcome and good luck!"

"Be diligent in your studies and network with your colleagues/classmates it will pay off in the long run."

"Learn how you learn difficult things. Do not shrink your goals because of a hard class or topic. You came here to become more qualified for better paying jobs, take that hard major with hard classes and GROW! Your future self will appreciate this lesson for years to come."

"Take risks. Don’t be afraid to leave your friends to experience something if they don’t want to participate. No long term relationships. Start a side hustle. Group projects are just like working in the real word, sorry. This really will be the greatest time of your life. Love yourself. Find a healthy balance between not listening to people and listening to people. Make new friends. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have faith and belief in a higher being. Schedule everything from studying to social activities. Most C’s will get degrees."

"My biggest piece of advice is to come in with a solid idea of what you’d like to major in, that way you make your schedules accordingly and you don’t have to spend extra time and money in school. And do research on what future potential masters programs will be looking for to accept you. You don’t wanna graduate college and then go to apply for a masters program realizing you need to take more pre-requisites that could’ve been taken in undergrad. Trust me, as an aspiring PA I have not even been able to apply because I don’t have a couple core prerequisites and now I’m having to take those classes to make up for it… I graduated in 2021. if you’re failing a class and you know you’re not gonna pass, drop it while you have the chance don’t just take the L. Also, don’t allow peer pressure or any relationship keep you from doing what you desire because if you take your fun college years for granted you’ll wish later that you did more. Be involved, do community service, study abroad, apply for internships etc. Connect with people that you vibe with not only on a social/recreational level, but also on an intellectual level. The parties, drinking and smoking will always be around, don’t put those trivial things over what’s most important. Stay focused and motivated, you got this! And remember have fun…but not so much that you’re failing everything. And if you’re interested in Greek Life please practice discretion and be respectful to the organizations on campus. Best of luck to you all!"

"Congratulations young scholar! My advice to you is have fun but remember academics come first go hard your freshman year and start off strong. It’s so hard to get afloat after you sink end your freshman year with a high gpa and if you do have any hiccups it won’t be as bad."

"Welcome to your College experience! These next few years will be the most impactful years of your life. Make good decisions & always be a leader. It is important to get involved early, that way you can network and make a name for yourself. Stay on top of your classes and your advisors to keep your credits in line. Register for classes early so that you may get into the classes you need. It is important that you balance your academic life with your social life. Know when to study and when to socialize. You should also attend campus events and join organizations. It’ll be an effective way to meet new people and find people who share similar interests. Lastly, just be you! Remember who you are and who your parents raised you to be. This year will be the best of your college career so make the best of it <3"

Dear First-Year Scholar, 

Do not let your thoughts be clouded by doubt or fear. Your acceptance is proof that you’re capable of graduating! With a few assignments between you and your goal, move forward with courage and intention. When I chose to pursue college, I did not realize that I would also be awarded with a life changing experience. College gave me the opportunity to not only grow academically, but personally and professionally as well. Therefore, I encourage you to succeed and thrive with all opportunities offered through Harcum.  

For help and support on your journey, Its my honor to serve as your FYE Coordinator. Good Luck! 

Tytiana Jackson, MSW


Phone: (267) 400-2771


Click Here to Schedule an Appointment!

Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 4:00PM

Visit the Academic Center #201

750 Montgomery Avenue

Bryn Mawr, PA 19010


JAzmyne C.

From Philadelphia, Pa. Jazmyne Collins always dreamed of becoming a Vet! Collins went to Saul High School to study Veterinary Medicine then decided to attend Harcum. After Harcum’s Commencemnet, Collins plans on attending Fort Valley University to continue Vet Nursing Education and ultimately plans on owning an Animal Hospital. Collins best advice to incoming students is to, “take your time and go at your own pace”. 

Johnette F.

From “Uptown” Philadelphia, Johnette Freeman was inspired by late grandmother to attend college. Serving as a role model for nieces and nephews, Freeman is motivated to graduate from Harcum with honors and enroll into a graduate program to become a correctional counselor. Freeman would like to remind incoming students not to allow things to interfere with your education, “because many times you see new students become unfocused, remember you have a goal that's all”. 

Yulonda Z. 

Originally from Indiana, Yulonda Zaragoza explains, “I love it here, I have tried college in the past but I feel like I was ready or focused enough. But this time I am beyond focused and ready. I want to make something out of myself and have a career. To show my child that it doesn't matter how old you are, anyone can go back to school”. After graduation, Yulonda Zaragoza plans to be a director of a Child Care Facility and would tell every incoming student, “follow your dreams and don't let anyone tell you you can't do it”


Having trouble or just have a question?  In addition to the FYE Coordinator,  here's who you can contact or where you can go for help:

All Harcum info, in one eBook!

Zoom, Harcum Hatch, Harcum Email, Starfish,

 Computer/Mobile Apps, Microsoft Office & Google Suite

I.T. Department Phone: 610-526-1867 or Email: )

Talk with your Program Director to understand your path to graduation, register for courses, etc.

College Reading & Writing Brush Up Workshop (self-paced)

Tutoring for college writing, reading, math, or specific program or course

Academic Coaching for guidance in getting / staying organized, time management, study skills, etc.

Are you doing research for class?  Do you need to access Trout Library?

Learn more about student activities on and off campus 

Get work experience, create a resume, practice interviews, find a job after graduation, or understand how to transfer to further your education

Explore opportunities for financial aid, including grants and scholarships. Get help completing FAFSA

Stressed? Anxious? Having a tough time? Talk to a counselor when you need support with your mental health 

Feeling sick? Want to know more about staying healthy? Talk to a medical professional when you need support with your physical health

Are you still having trouble or need to ask different question? (Search)

Harcum College Home Page (Click on magnifying glass icon to open search)