Success and happiness for every child.

We seek to inspire greatness in every child and to equip them with the outcomes, life skills and personal attributes to lead successful, happy and safe lives

For more information please visit our full website by clicking here

We look forward to seeing you all back on Wednesday 4th January 2023!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Our most recent stars of the week

Congratulations to this week's stars of the week, they are:

Dragonfly Class -Billy for an amazing attitude and enthusiasm.

Butterfly Class - Oliver for becoming more independent when approaching new activities.

Class 1 - Sophia W for an amazing effort in her independent writing.

Class 2 - Elija for her fantastic independent write.

Class 3 - Katalea for her incredible effort during the Christmas performance at the church and during all of the rehearsals.

Class 4 - Clarke - for always being so lovely and kind and for her fantastic enthusiasm with her singing.

Class 5 - Ali ~ for having had a fantastic term. He puts in 100% effort in all his learning, is a good friend and supports others in class.

Class 6 - Nathan - for a wonderful attitude to all of his learning throughout the term

Class 7 - Riley for his super attitude to work and caring nature.

Class 8 - Maksymilian for his role model behaviour, fantastic term. Well done!

Class 9 - Lola for her fantastic effort in school this term.

Class 10 - Alexia for her excellent effort and the progress she has made throughout the term

Class 11 - Cody B for his incredible resilience this week.

Class 12 - Leo M for his attitude to learning in English and Maths and for showing resilience.

On Friday 16th December we had Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner. It got everyone into the Christmas spirit and it was lovely to see all of the Christmas jumpers on display. As always, Mrs Barratt, the lunch staff and the staff helpers made Christmas dinner a wonderful experience for everyone involved. A huge thank you to everyone who helped and to Good Lookin' Cookin' for providing the food!

In the build up to Christmas, we have been working hard in our lessons. Year 6 had the chance to go to Lincoln Theatre Royal and watch the pantomime 'Cinderella; Foundation and Y1 have visited Rand Farm and had the chance to meet Father Christmas; Y4 have been making their own wrapping paper and gift tags and learning about Polish Christmas traditions; there have been Christmas crafts; a fantastic Christmas fair and there was even a visit to school from Santa himself to deliver all of the children a Christmas present. Foundation welcomed parents in for a Christmas Craft morning which was a lovely morning creating decorations and having lots of fun!

Below are some photos of what we have been up to.

Classes in Christmas jumpers!

Foundation Christmas Craft Morning

KS1 Christmas Concert

Rand Farm Trip - Butterfly Class

Community Christmas trees

Each year group created a Christmas tree for the St Giles Methodist Church's Christmas tree festival, which raised over £600 for charity. We linked the trees to learning including: reading books; sustainability; deforestation in South America; collograph printing; and Harry Potter.

Christmas Fair

On Friday 9th December, we held our fist Christmas Fair since 2019. It was incredibly well attended with classes creating products to sell as part of their DT learning including reindeer food, decorations, gingerbread, wrapping paper and scented candles. Thank you to everyone who came along.

Christmas Community events

On Saturday 17th December, St Giles Church are holding a Christingle service at 4pm.

We will be running our Christmas HAF club Monday 19th - Thursday 23rd 9am until 1pm.

St Giles Church are hosting a Family Film Afternoon on Tuesday 20th December (see picture for details)


As a school community we must remember that keeping our children safe is everyone's responsibility. We always appreciate your support and thank you for reporting concerns when you see or hear of incidents outside school.

Online safety -

National Online Safety produce online help guides known as #wakeupewednesday to keep children safe online. The guides below focuses on how to stay safe online over the festive season.

Millions of new phones, tablets, laptops and games consoles will be nestling under Christmas trees this year. However, even if parents and carers have gone to the trouble of setting up these new devices and enabling the safety features, there are still potential hazards in the apps, games and software that children will want to install and use. Knowing what to look for and discussing those risks with your child may help avoid any nasty surprises this Christmas. Here are our top tips for ensuring that unwrapping this year’s presents doesn’t unleash any unexpected dangers.

In these guides, you'll find tips such as disabling in-app purchasing, take note of age ratings and watching out for imitators.

Click on the guides to see them larger on your screen. For access to all of our guides around a range of areas of E-Safety, click here.

Frozen water safety

With the recent icy conditions, we wanted to share this guide about the dangers of frozen water.

Breakfast Club

We are so pleased to be working with Fawcett and Co Accountants and Morrisons to provide the food for our breakfast club, ensuring that it remains FREE for anyone on free school meals. Please do take advantage of this as it provides an excellent start to the school day. The children have great fun and start their learning well nourished! No need to book. It opens at 7.30!!

If you are not eligible for Pupil Premium or free school meals, the cost is only £1 to be paid at