Success and happiness for every child.

We seek to inspire greatness in every child and to equip them with the outcomes, life skills and personal attributes to lead successful, happy and safe lives

For more information please visit our full website by clicking here.

Introduction from Mr Milner

What are we reading?

As part of our enjoyment of reading, each class has a class novel that they read every day. Here is a list of what each class is reading:

Dragonfly, and Butterfly classes are sharing a range of books linked to their learning and based on the children's interests.

Class 1, 2, 3 and 4 - A variety of picture books that we enjoy listening to, and joining in with!

Class 5 - Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl (Voted for by the class)

Class 6 - The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog by Jeremy Strong

Class 7 - Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

Class 8 - The Day I Fell into a Fairytale by Ben Miller

Class 9 - World's Worst Teachers- David Walliams

Class 10 - The Nowhere Emporium by Ross McKenzie

Class 11 - Alex Rider: Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

Class 12 - Alex Rider: Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

Our Words of the week

Year 1: observe & predict

Year 2: irritate & outrageous

Year 3: anxious & cautious

Year 4: barren and blunder

Year 5: acrid

Year 6: audacious

Book Chat

As part of our work toward the Lincolnshire Reading Pledge, we will be sharing some resources with you to share ideas for how to support your children with their reading and to build enjoyment. This week is a website which focuses on book chat. There are some videos that show how to use questions, comments and prompts to build comprehension and a love of reading. There is also a free webinar to access with lots of extra ideas and suggestions. It can be found by clicking on the link below:

Book recommendations

In future editions of our newsletter, we would like to share books that our families enjoy. It could be a child recommending a book to other children, parents recommending books to recommend to other parents, or books that families enjoy sharing. If you have any books to recommend, please dojo your child's teacher.

TT Rockstars

As part of our continued effort to improve times table recall in Key Stage 2, the children take part in a range of challenges and activities each week. Below are the children from each class from years 3-6 who have really impressed their teacher recently with their times tables.

Class 5 - Deacon & Alfie

Class 6 - Delilah & Evelina

Class 7 - Timur and Maisie

Class 8 - Nataniel and Fardin

Class 9 - Elliott I

Class 10 - Harley W

Class 11 - Harvey

Class 12 - Farhan

This week the 2 times table is our school focus

Check out this great video to help you learn and practice yours!


Well done to those classes that have hit over 96% attendance over the last two weeks and to those children who have been in the academy every day over the last two weeks!

You can see below how each class has fared over the last two weeks with Green being above 90% attendance, Amber 80-90% attendance and Red below 80%. We would like all our pupils to be in the Green Zone. You will also see from the arrows if attendance has improved or declined .

Please can I remind parents/cares that it is your responsibility to let us know if your child is ill or if they have a medical appointment as early as possible. There are a number of ways you can reach us e.g. ClassDojo, private message on Facebook or by contacting the school office on 01522 786760. Thanks, Mr Milner.

Dragonflies - 83.87%

Butterflies - 91.85%

Class 1 -90.87%

Class 2 - 93.91%

Class 3 - 92.94%

Class 4 - 88.49%

Class 5 - 93.51%

Class 6 - 95.51%

Class 7 - 91.17%

Class 8 - 94.12%

Class 9 -88.91%

Class 10 - 96.24%

Class 11 - 93.36%

Class 12 - 93.37%

Year group focus - Year 6

On Tuesday 27th September, Year 6 were invited to take part in a special Construction Week Event at the Lincolnshire Showground. We had the chance to drive mini diggers, build bird boxes, try plastering, bricklaying, we had the chance to climb and use scaffolding and lots more! Scroll though the image carousels to see some of what we got up to.

Year group focus - Year 1

Over the last few weeks, Year 1 have been learning lots during their Art lessons. In the first week we learnt about sculptures. We then thought about what type of sculpture we wanted to create using clay. We used our new learnt skills of rolling, pulling and smoothing, as well as how to use the clay tools to create patterns. Below you can see some of the clay sculptures we made.

We then learnt about the Sculptor, Jill Townsley. We were amazed to find out that she uses everyday things that you can find in your home to make her sculptures! Her pyramid made from plastic spoons and elastic bands was impressive!

The children have been learning how to use the printing technique using paints to create a repeated pattern. You can see some of our paintings below!


As a school community we must remember that keeping our children safe is everyone's responsibility. We always appreciate your support and thank you for reporting concerns when you see or hear of incidents outside school.

Online safety

National Online Safety produce online help guides known as #wakeupewednesday to keep children safe online. The following guides are about Instagram, Google Chromebooks and Roblox. Click on the guides to see them larger on your screen. For access to all of our guides around a range of areas of E-Safety, click here.

This week's first guide is about Reddit. Reddit describes itself as a ‘social news’ site where users connect and share stories, opinions and support; debate issues; ask questions; and chat to people with similar interests. Discussion topics are organised into communities (known as subreddits) that are created, run and populated by users, who remain anonymous throughout. Free speech is encouraged and users – or ‘redditors’ – can vote posts ‘up’ or ‘down’ so they get more (or less) attention. Reddit is free to join, although signing up to Reddit Premium unlocks an advert-free version of the platform.

In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as harassment, trolling and fake news.

Our second guide is about how to be green with your tech. Right now, humans aren’t living sustainably: we’re taking too many resources and not leaving the world in a fit state for future generations. Old tech products are a clear example: if we throw them away, the poisonous lead and mercury inside can get into the food chain through the soil. Recycling tech, though, has its own issues: it’s often exported to countries where the law doesn’t protect people from hazards. Whole villages (including children) sort through discarded devices to remove useful parts and substances like gold, silver and copper – often putting their health at risk. Finding ways to re-use tech is the greenest option.

In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of tips such as donating your old devices to charity, reusing your smartphones and recycling the batteries.

Click the images below to view larger versions on your device.

National Online Safety have now produced an app with lots of useful advice, support and guides around being safe online. Find out more by going to

To find out more information about staying safe online, visit the E-Safety page on our website by clicking here.

Our stars of the week

Congratulations to this week's stars of the week, they are:

Class 1 - Bane - For an excellent first independent write in Year 1! I can't wait to see what his writing will be like at the end of Year 1!

Archie B - For always doing the right thing. He is always ready for his learning which means he is succeeding in lessons.

Class 2 - Jessica - For being a kind and helpful friend to everyone in the class. Noah - For always working hard and trying his best in all lessons.

Class 3 - Nellie - Rae - for her enthusiasm and participation in answering questions during teacher input. Daisy - for always being ready to learn and trying her very best!

Class 4 - Charlie M - for trying really hard to be ready for his learning during lesson input. Mia - For her fantastic effort with her reading both in school and at home. Her fluency is really improving.

Class 5 - Deacon McQuillan ~ for such a fantastic start to the year, 100% effort in all learning. Annie Dinsdale-Hubbard listening well and showing her understanding in lessons.

Class 6 - Jayden Kelly-Magee - for always giving his learning 100% effort. Daniel Overton - for his effort and concentration in Art

Class 7 - Logan for his commitment to home reading and Louie W for inspiring others in maths.

Class 8 - Ellie for her confidence and Vasare for her hard work.

Class 9 - Chada for her fantLeo for his enthusiasm in English this week.

Class 10 - Grace for being an excellent role model and Oliver for his fantastic Maths work

Class 11 - Connor for his resilience towards others and Jorja for her fantastic persuasive letter.

Class 12 - Louie for great effort and work, especially in English and maths and Sasha for improved attitude and work in all lessons.

Year 6 superstars

Every week, the Year 6 staff choose some children who have worked exceptionally hard and made real progress with their learning.

It was a really difficult decision but last week the year 6 staff chose the following pupils:

Brody, Ruby, Ratmir, Dorian and Aston

This week the year 6 staff have chosen:

Maci, Jorja, Skyla, Farhan and Clea

Breakfast Club

We are so pleased to be working with Pepperells solicitors and Morrisons to provide the food for our breakfast club, ensuring that it remains FREE for anyone on free school meals. Please do take advantage of this as it provides an excellent start to the school day. The children have great fun and start their learning well nourished! No need to book. It opens at 7.30!!

If you are not eligible for Pupil Premium or free school meals, the cost is only £1 to be paid at

Extra Curricular Clubs

Monday after school: Board Game Club (KS2), 3.15pm- 4.15pm, Mrs Maddison in Class 8

Knitting and Crochet Club (Years 5 & 6), 3:15-4:00pm, Miss Forman in Class 2

Tuesday after school: Cooking Year 4 3.20 - 4.30 Mrs Hodgson & Mrs Dunbar in the atrium kitchen STARTS AFTER HALF TERM

Thursday lunch: KS2 Singing Club. 12.45pm - 1.15pm in the Hub. Mrs Atterby & Mrs Brown. STARTS THUR 22nd SEPTEMBER

year 6 Ultimate Frisbee Club. 12.45pm - 1.15pm on the field. Miss Naughton & Mr Starbuck STARTS THUR 15th SEPTEMBER

Thursday after school: KS2 Choir (Selected children) 3.15pm - 4.15pm in the hall. Mrs Atterby & Mrs Brown. STARTS THUR 22nd SEPTEMBER

Football Club - 3.15 - 4.15pm in Class 10 - Mr Finn and Synergy Sports (Selected children) - STARTS THURSDAY 15th SEPTEMBER

BSL Club (Years 1-4), 3:15-4:00pm, Miss Forman in Class 2 - STARTS THURSDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER

Upcoming events

Friday 21st October - End of term 1

Monday 31st October - INSET day, academy closed to all pupils

Tuesday 1st November - Start of term 2 for all pupils; Y5 trip to Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studios

Friday 16th December - End of term 2

Tuesday 3rd January - INSET Day, academy closed to all pupils

Wednesday 4th January - Start of term 3 for all pupils


School twitter feed


School Facebook page


School Pastoral Twitter feed