William Barcroft Junior School

'Success and happiness for every child' 

We are very proud of our school, the children, staff and environment and of course the great support we receive from our parents.  

For more information, please visit our full website by clicking here.

In a recent parent questionnaire, parents said the following:

99% of parents say their child is happy at William Barcroft Junior School

98% parents say the school have high expectations

99% of parents said their child does well at school

100% of parents say their child felt safe in our school. 

Message from the Principal:

Good afternoon everyone,

Welcome to this week’s very packed newsletter! 

I must start by thanking you all for your fabulous support this week. All events have been so well attended; it’s been great to see so many of you enjoying the learning showcases and sports’ days. Feedback from the showcases has been incredibly positive so we will be continuing with these termly next year. There are also some lovely photos on here for you to enjoy of the trips that have taken place this week. Year 3 had a wonderful day at the wildlife park, and year 4 have done some fabulous learning at the farm (4V still to go next week). Year 5 also have had a taster day at Havelock, as well as their

fantastic sleepover last Friday night! I’m so proud of the reports we’ve had about our children from all of these places, and I have to say the behaviour on the sleepover was amazing! Much more sleep than anticipated beforehand!

There are still lots upcoming events squeezed into the final three weeks. The children will be told of their new classteachers on Monday morning and will spend transition week next week getting to know them and building relationships. Some children are involved in our trust event at Meridian

Showground on Wednesday and 4BL will be at the singing festival on Thursday. The children will be bringing home their end of year reports next Friday for you. The following week sees year 6 on the beach trip (Monday 10th ) , getting their SATs results on Tuesday 11th and then attending their residential on Wednesday 12 th for 3 days. Year 5 parents should now have received their special invites for the year 5 Graduation on Thursday 13th July.

I can confirm that on the days announced as teacher strikes next week (Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July) we will be OPEN as normal for all year groups.

Please enjoy reading about what the children have been learning and looking at their photos. 

Once again thank you for your fabulous support and have a lovely weekend everyone.



Take a look at the weekly round-up of our fantastic learning...

Year 3

Wow! What a busy few weeks we have had in year 3. We have been working extremely hard to finish our writing about “Beautiful Botanists” and we want to share as many with you as possible at our learning showcase or on Twitter. We have been creating our own sketch art inspired by Franz Marc who liked to use animals and colour to express emotions. We have also just returned from a fantastic trip to the Wolds Wildlife Park where we were able to observe a variety of animals and identify whether they were carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. We took many photos and have also shared them on Twitter for you to view.

Year 4

Year 4 have really pushed themselves recently! Last week they completed their Summer Term assessments to show off everything they have learnt during Year 4. They all handled the pressure really well, stayed calm and really showed us how far they have come since September! Our learning showcase was a huge success, with us being able to show our parents and carers everything we have been learning this term. We showcased our writing; some maths and we even had some scientists teaching our families about teeth and food chains! 4S and 4BL enjoyed a trip to Claxby Grange Farm where they were able to spend a day on a working farm. 4S had a wonderful time at Claxby Grange Farm on Wednesday. It was lovely to experience what life was like on a working farm. We were able to walk around one of the wheat fields, we looked at many different mini beasts in the woodland area and we also got to sit in Farmer Andrew's combine harvester! It was a fantastic day which we all enjoyed! 4V are really looking forward to going next week! Finally, we enjoyed Sports Day on Tuesday. The children put 100% effort in to each event and really worked as a team to get as many points for their colour as they could!

Year 5

This week has been a very busy week for year 5 as they have been doing their year 5 tests, visited Havelock and had sports day! They have been working so hard and have some fantastic scores so far to be proud of! In the afternoons, they have been learning about science and our science topic has been looking at the lifecycles of animals and plants. The pupils have really enjoyed this, especially finding all the varieties of plants that grow on the school field, dissecting a flower and looking a metamorphosis in tadpoles. Pupils have learnt that some plants (like the spider plant) can even reproduce asexually. The year 5 pupils have come up with some great questions of their own to explore in the coming weeks - including looking at the lifecycles of sea moneys and growing their very own in school!

Year 6 

We’ve had an extremely busy two weeks!  In English, we’ve written our own playscript based on Romeo and Juliet as inspiration. The children chose a scene from the story to base their playscript on or have created a whole new scene! We enjoyed Sports Day on Monday 26th – all of the children worked so hard to collect as many points as possible for their colour team. Congratulations to the Blue Team for coming first place in the Year 5 and 6 sports day! There were some great examples of team work! The children presented their ‘Summer Learning Showcase’ to parents and shared all of our fantastic learning this term. We had a great turn out from parents and carers – the children were proud to show them their books.


Reading at home

Thank you for your support in your child reading 3 times at home per week. A polite reminder that it is expected for each child to achieve 3 home reads completed each week which is to be signed in their reading record by an adult. They are expected to bring their book bag and reading record every day to ensure it can be checked by their class teacher and their progression towards  3 reads or more can be monitored. Phone calls by learning mentors will be made if children are not completing 3 reads per week. 

It has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. It builds self-esteem when reading aloud, broadens their vocabulary and introduces them to new words, feeds imagination and creativity, improves reading speed, comprehension and understanding in all areas of the curriculum and even improves their sleeping patterns. 

Welcome to the William Barcroft Junior Library!

The children have enjoyed their afternoons and lunch times in the library this week. Some have chosen to keep reading their books, others to swap to find their perfect book. The feedback has been fantastic - the children have really enjoyed spending time choosing their books and have had lots of conversations on the playground, recommending books to one another.

A huge thank you to our librarians too for keeping the library tidy and organized! 

Year 3 are currently focusing on fables in their book-based English sessions.

Year 4 are currently reading 'Who Let the Gods out' in their book-based English sessions linking with myths and legends.

Year 5 are currently reading 'The Lost Whale' in their book-based English sessions linking with rivers and oceans.

Year 6 are currently focusing on Shakespeare's Romeo and juliet in their book-based English sessions.

Can you take photographs in school?

Please ensure if you do take a photograph of your child on school site, that this is ONLY when you are told to do so by a member of staff and that the picture is of only your child. For example: after our Star of The Week assemblies.

Sports day

On Monday and Tuesday this week, we held two fantastic sports day events that were attended by so many parents - thank you for your support on both days! The sports day consisted of 8 events. These were basketball, sack race, hurdles, javelin, discus, bean bag boccia, shot put and triple jump. Every single person gave these events 110%. Last but not least, we had the long and short distance races which were entertaining to watch and a massive well done to everyone, who competed in a race. A massive thank you to all staff, parents and especially students for making both days a success!

Talent showcase

This afternoon, we've had the second installment of our fantastic Talent Showcase! We had amazing singers, dancers and plenty of comedians. We were amazed by twin-artists who had drawn Oreo the dog and Bonny the cat! A wonderful display of talents all-round and judges and audience were very impressed. Well done to our comedian Kaitlin, our singing boys in Year 4, our wonderful girl group in Year 5 and the dynamic duo singers - Kadie and Brooke as our overall winners! You all shone and made us extremely proud. WBJS definitely has talent! 

Mini Police 

Stars of the Week

This week's stars have been working extra hard in school and have impressed their teachers. Well done everyone! Scroll through the images on the left to see who has received the well deserved golden stars this week.




Attendance and Punctuality

Does 5 minutes late really matter?

5 minutes late every day = 3 days lost over a year

10 minutes late every day = 6.5 days lost over a year

15 minutes late every day = 10 days lost over a year

20 minutes late every day = 13 days lost over a year

Registration at William Barcroft Junior School is 8.50am, and we will be allowing children in from 8.40am for some warm up activities. Please do not leave your children on the playground unattended before 08:40am. Doors close at 08:50am. Our finish time is 3.05pm for all pupils. 

Reminder to all parents/carers that penalties and fines may be issued for any unauthorised holidays taken during term time or persistent absences. 

We have many incentives for your children regarding attendance at our school-ask your child about our 100% attendance trolley!

Please contact the school office if you have any questions. Thank you.

#wbjspraiseculture #wbjsattendance #wbjsperfectpunctuality

 General Information

PE kit MUST be brought to school on your child's PE days,

Year 3 will have PE Wednesday and Friday

Year 4 will have PE Monday and Thursday

Year 5 will have PE Wednesday and Friday

Year 6 will have PE Monday and Tuesday

Summer Term

W/B 3rd July-Annual Reports out

Tuesday 4th July - 4V Farm visit, Y5 Taster day at Havelock

Wednesday 5th July -  Harbour Learning Trust Team Building event

Thursday 6th July - Singing festival

4th/5th/6th July-Toll Bar and Cleethorpes Academy Transition for Y6

Thursday 6th July - Beacon, & Havelock transition day for Y6

Friday 7th July - Beacon & Havelock transition day for Y6

Monday 10th July - Y6 Beach trip

Tuesday 11th July - Y6 Results day

Wednesday 12th-Friday 14th July - Y6 Back to Bear Residential

Monday 17th July - Attendance Treat Trip

Tuesday 18th July - Behaviour Treat Trips, Harbour Learning Trust Talent Event, Y5 trip to Havelock to watch Annie production.

Wednesday 19th July - Production Performances to parents 2pm and 4pm

Thursday 20th July - Y6 Party

Friday 21st July - Y6 Leavers' assembly

 Friday 21st July 2023-Break up for Summer Holidays, End of summer term 2pm finish.

Please see a leaflet regarding an exciting opportunity offered at The Trin, Cleethorpes! These events are taking place in the summer holiday - booking is advised. 

Follow this link to visit the safeguarding section of our website, and for a copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy. https://wba.harbourlearningtrust.com/our-academy/safeguarding/

Please see below message from the Humberside and Fire and Rescue Service:

As the late Bank Holiday approaches, with the potential of hotter days the appetite to cool off in open water increases.  This is a significant risk whilst the weather is so hot


We are therefore asking for your support.


We would greatly appreciate it if you could stress to your children and young people about the dangers of playing and swimming in open water for example; cold water shock, underwater obstacles and transition of waterborne diseases.



Take a look at the video




(right click and select “open hyperlink” and the video will start playing –if you wish you can then select “skip adverts” to go directly to the video)



Further safety information can be found on our website via the link below





WhatsApp - New Features

As one of the most popular messaging apps around the world used from Year 3 upwards, WhatsApp continue to add new features to keep users onboard. Two of the newest features are the ability to edit a sent message within 15 minutes of it being sent, and 'Keep in Chat'.

The first (edit within 15 minutes) is exactly what it says. You can send a message to someone or a group and, if you need to make changes you can do so within 15 minutes.

The second, 'Keep in Chat' is where someone can select certain messages that they want to keep in a folder called 'Kept messages'.

Take a look at the Childnet article for further details, including the positives and negatives to these new features.


A Guide to Using AI with Kids

Internet Matters have put some guidance for parents together which includes the terminology, a guide to some of the more popular software tools and also an interactive guide.



SENDIASS provide support for SEND, across education, health and social care.

Sendiass North East Lincolnshire | Facebook


Call- 01472 326363

Email- ask@nelsendiass.org.uk

SENDIASS website


NELPCF is a brand new opportunity for having your say and bringing about change and improvement for children and young people with SEND. Led by parents, for parents, passionate about making a difference, we aim to make the voices of parents just like us, heard, right where it matters.

Visit the NELPCF website - external site

Pupil Links

Transition week

As you aware, transition week is happening very soon where the children will find out their new teacher and spend a week in their new classes. For our Year 6s, it is their time to visit their secondary school and experience taster days. Below are top tips helping children with transition.