William Barcroft Junior School

'Success and happiness for all'

Message from the Principal:

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this week’s newsletter. As always, we

have lots to share with you as it’s been an extremely busy fortnight. Can I start with a

huge thank you for helping us to raise £384 for Children in Need, and for contributing

to the £485 currently in our Asda Cashpot. Your support with both is very much


We are now entering the extremely busy end of term period with lots of events

packed in for the children. Can I just draw your attention to the learning showcases

where the children will again perform an assembly and share their books/learning

with you. Those dates are as follows:

Friday 13 th December 9.15 Year 3

Monday 16 th December 9.15 Year 4

Tuesday 17 th December 9.15 Year 5

Wednesday 18th December 9.15 Year 6

Please can you confirm your attendance on Arbor. There is no charge but due to

space we need to limit to a maximum of 2 adults per child.

Can I also remind all families that children must be booked on to attend Breakfast

Club each morning. This facility is available for all children but for safeguarding

reasons we have to know who we are expecting to attend each day, and we have

had a number of children just turning up. If you have any queries about how to book

then our office staff will be happy to support with this. We also have a cut off time of

8.20 if children are wanting to eat, as food is packed away after this time.

Thank you everyone, please enjoy reading what the children have been up to, and

have a lovely weekend.

S Sargent


Good attendance and punctuality are vital for success at school, and to establish positive life habits that are necessary for future success. Through regular attendance pupils can build relationships and develop strong social groups. 

Autumn Term 2 - Week 4

Congratulations to 3S, 4B, 4N, 4R, 5S and 6M who all achieved above 97% this week. We're working hard on our attendance and it is evident every single day. Well done!

Autumn Term 2 - Week 5

This week we have had lots of illnesses in school. However, 3L, 4B, 5D and 6M have still managed to top the leaderboards with their attendance. Super work team!

At WBJS, we aim to keep you up to date with your child's attendance figures. These can be viewed on your child's Arbor app. We also share attendance figures at parents evenings, on our termly summary reports sent home to parents or you may receive a reminder letter for attendance if your child's attendance is below 97%.

If your child’s attendance drops below 90%, this means they have missed 10% of their learning which is equal to half a day every week. Children below 90% are considered to be a Persistent Absentee and the following procedures will take place: 

1. Attendance concern letters sent to parents to make you aware that your child’s absence has dropped below expected levels. Your child's attendance will then be informally monitored for the next 4 weeks.

2. If there is no or little improvement in attendance then you will be invited to a school attendance meeting (SAP) to see what support you may need as a family to help improve your child’s attendance. This will be held with Mrs Newell and our EWO from Attendance Matters, Leander Swinthorpe. Our SAP targets run for 4 weeks following this initial meeting.

3. If there is no or little improvement in attendance then a further meeting will be held with our governor attendance team (GAP). Here we will be able to offer any further support necessary to support your child's attendance.

 5. If there continues to be no or little improvement in attendance then the next stage would be a Notice to improve, where a referral to North East Lincolnshire council may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued or court proceedings. 

All of the above shall be monitored over a 3 year period from September 2024 (unlike previous monitoring which was conducted on a yearly basis).

Autumn Term 2


Group 1 will be 20th November and 27th November - 6S

Group 2 will be 2nd December and 3rd December - 6F

Group 3 will be 5th December and 6th December - 6M

Cinderella - Production Club Performace

Tuesday 10th December at 2pm and 4pm.

Tickets can be purchased on the Arbor App.

Tuesday 3rd December - Christmas Safety Assembly

Wednesday 4th December - Y5 Lego Workshop

Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 13th December - Year 3 Learning Showcase AM

Friday 13th December - Christmas church visit

Monday 16th December - Year 4 Learning Showcase AM

Monday 16th December - Christmas dinner day

Monday 16th December - Christmas Disco! PM

Tuesday 17th December - Year 5 Learning Showcase AM

Tuesday 17th December - Y3 and Y5 Healing Panto

Wednesday 18th December - Year 6 Learning Showcase AM

Wednesday 18th December - Y4 and Y6 Healing Panto

Thursday 19th December - Talent show AM

Thursday 19th December - Community Sing PM

Thursday 19th December - Last day of term - 2pm finish


Friday 3rd January 2025 - Teacher training day

Monday 6th December 2025 - Children return for Spring 1 term

 General Information

PE kit MUST be brought to school on your child's PE days,

Year 3 and Year 5 will have PE Tuesday and Thursday

Year 4 and Year 6 will have PE Monday and Wednesday

WBJS Newsround from the Pupil Governors


In Maths we have been counting in our 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We have even tested our knowledge on the dividing facts linked to these. We can practise our times tables at home on TTRS.

In English, we are writing a non-chronological report about a monster we have created.  My monster is called Mr Jack Monster and he has a spiky tail, a skinny body and 4 arms and legs.

In Computing we are making our own animations come to life. We have practised by using a pad of sticky notes to make our stick man move. Next week, we will move onto the Computers to use an app which helps us making online animations.

Deeclan A, Year 3.


In the mornings we have been learning our times tables so that we can say them in less than 6 seconds.

We have been writing a plan for our newspaper which will report on a siege that took place at Castle Grotteskew. Next week we will be writing this up in our English book. 

In Science we have been learning how sound passes through different materials. We carried out a fair test to see which material muffles sound the best.

In Music we have been learning how to play the violin. We are learning how to hold the bow in different positions to make different sounds.

Ava N, Year 4.


In Maths we have been learning about fractions and how to add them. We have also been practising and recapping our times tables.

In English we are making our own escape room. I'm going to choose a candyland setting where there is a chocolate river and candy everywhere! They have to guess the correct colour on a spinning wheel to be able to escape the room.

In Art we have been sketching observational portraits of shells. We are using our stippling techniques to add texture to our shells.

In PE we are playing basketball and learning new skills with the sports coaches.

Sofia W, Year 5.


In English we have written a newspaper report about events which happen in the Hunger Games book. We reported about Katniss volunteering for her younger sister Primrose and we have used reported and direct quotes from witnesses.

In Maths we have been learning about percentages, fractions and decimals. We now know that if there are 0 hundredths then we do not need to put a 0 place holder if there a whole tenths, for example 30% = 0.3.

We have been learning new skills in Hockey this week during our PE lessons and we have been making complete and incomplete circuits in Science.

Joseph C, Year 6.

Winter is coming!

delight & joy

The children have thoroughly enjoyed the recent weather and have even experienced a small flutter of snow whilst outside at playtime. The children love their free time whilst out on the playground at break and lunch. We do ask that you please ensure your children are coming to school with warm coats and appropriate shoes so that they can go outside for fresh air and still be wrapped up warm. Thank you.

Barcroft Stars

Every Friday, we celebrate the fantastic work and attitudes of our children during our Star of the Week assembly. Each teacher presents their Star of the Week, Reader of the Week and TTRS of the Week whilst our Learning Mentors award fastasic behaviour and kindess on the playground. We also celebrate our birthdays in style with a whole school sing-song and give out spot prizes for fantastic work and home reading.

If your child is chosen for this assembly, you will receive a message no later than Thursday. If you wish to attend, the assembly times are as follows:

Year 3 and Year 4 - 8.55am

Year 5 and Year 6 - 9.55am

Home Reading

Please can we remind all parents that children are required to read 3 times a week at home and their reading record is expected in school every day. There are a small number of children who only bring their book bags to school on Thursdays when our weekly reads are counted. Without them, the children cannot read their home reading book with staff in school and they cannot quiz and change their books regularly. We try to encourage the children to organise their bookbag in preparation for future responsibilities.

Thank you for your support with this.

Book Fair - delight & Joy

Over the last week, we enjoyed a Scholastic Book Fair in school! This was a brilliant opportunity to broaden our personal vocabulary, look and explore at new books and releases and discuss books with our friends, teachers and parents. We also receive free books from Scholastic depending on how many books we bought; a huge thank you to parents and carers for supporting us with this! We will definitely be running another book fair in the future.

'I bought Dork Diaries and School poems. There was lots of choice so it was very hard to pick!' (Elsie, Year 6)

'I bought a ton of books, they were amazing to read. I also bought a rock and minerals box which was really exciting. The notebook was very useful too - it's not just books in the book fair, there's all sorts!' (William, Year 6)

Shoebox Appeal - community

This year our school has been taking part in supporting the Grimsby shoe box appeal to help those less fortunate. Grimsby shoeboxes are a small local charity who coordinate donations into shoe boxes to needy children and families around the world. They also support people in the North East Lincolnshire community.

Mrs Bowden and Mrs Culyer took 3 pupils along with all the generous donations (THANK YOU) to visit the Ice house on Wednesday 27th November to support making up the boxes which will be flying over to children in Eastern Europe in time for Christmas. 

Gardening Club - Nurture

Gardening club have been busy over the last few weeks, planting Spring bulbs.  We've checked on them this week and found a few shoots beginning to appear.  We also planted some wild flower seeds. 

Science stories from this year

As Twig Science Reporter takes a pause for the upcoming winter break, let’s revisit some of our top stories from this year—along with a few you might have missed. We’ll see you in the New Year with more weekly episodes.


Follow this link to visit the safeguarding section of our website, and for a copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy. https://wba.harbourlearningtrust.com/our-academy/safeguarding/

THANK YOU  to PC Mickleburgh who visited our school on Tuesday 26th November to deliver an assembly to our year 5/6 cohort on knife crime as part of the national knife crime campaign as well as County Lines Input as it marked the national week of action. 

Humberside Police are investigating a number of a Theft From Motor Vehicle reports. 

If you see anyone acting suspiciously around vehicles or have any information about the offenders please contact the police on the non-emergency number 101.

Alternatively you could call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. You don’t have to leave your name and you may even receive a reward.

Thank You

Thank you to all of our parents who attended our SEND/Safeguarding coffee morning on Wednesday 20th November. It was a great success and gave parents the opportunity to discuss queries with professionals and school staff.

Parent voice:

'I found the SEND/pastoral coffee morning very informative and it was really useful. I found being able to talk to members of staff face to face very vaulable.'

'It was good to talk to people who can help and the webinar was very informative.'

'I have found it useful and has made me re-think the approachs used at home.'

Waiting Times - Specialist Assessments: ASD & AD/HD

The Neurodevelopmental Service team are working hard to address the waiting times but there has been a 79% increase in acceptance rate from 2023-2024 to 2024-2025.

• The current waiting time for an ASD assessment is approximately just under 1 year

• ASD pathway wait was reduced by 20 weeks with support from private provider (targeting 109 CYP, repeating arrangements with a further 50 CYP shortly)

• The current waiting time for an AD/HD assessment is approximately 1 year & 32 weeks

• AD/HD pathway wait has reduced by 20 weeks in the last 3 months

• The Service continues to respond to increased demand and has plans in place to reduce the length of wait

Tips for Christmas for autistic people and their families

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but it can be difficult for some autistic children/young people and adults.

The National Autistic Society, with help a range of people with lived experience have compiled a list of autism-friendly tips for the festive period. With good planning and clear communication, hopefully these tips will help you all to have an enjoyable Christmas.

I know that Christmas can be quite overwhelming and stressful for our son, so we have regularly visited this site before the festive period for many years! We found and still use some of the useful and helpful tips.

You’ll find advice, support and tips on:

• Preparing

• Schedules

• Decorations

• Presents

Please click on the link for more details: Tips for Christmas

Kind regards,

Rachel Asher 


For Parents - Roblox Major Safety Updates.

Last week Roblox, the game used by 90 million people daily, announced some major updates which are available to users and parents. The rollout has already started and will be fully implemented by March 2025. These safety updates include:

There's too much detail to include within a newsletter so to see an explanation of all the new features visit the Roblox website.

You can also see the full guide to Roblox parental controls on the Internet Matters website below:


Online Safety

Important information:

Please ensure that you are checking in with your children regularly about their online activity at home. We have had a number of reports regarding local groups on Whatsapp and Snapchat where children have been invited to join by an adult. To ensure our children are safe online, discussions about online activity is vital. We advise that you ensure you have safety restrictions installed on all apps the children use and that you check their devices regularly.

If you have any concerns, please contact the school for advice regarding any issues or the police if necessary. 

If you require any support regarding the restrictions on your children's phone, please visit the following helpful websites or ask a member of staff for support.




School dinner menu

Week 6

Week 7

Community events and information

School/ Class X accounts

Please check out the following links to our X (Twitter) accounts and see what each class have been up to this week in real-time!



@WBJYear3  @WBJYear4  @WBJYear5  @WBJYear6