William Barcroft Junior School

'Success and happiness for every child' 

We are very proud of our school, the children, staff and environment and of course the great support we receive from our parents.  

For more information, please visit our full website by clicking here.

In a recent parent questionnaire, parents said the following:

99% of parents say their child is happy at William Barcroft Junior School

98% parents say the school have high expectations

99% of parents said their child does well at school

100% of parents say their child felt safe in our school. 

Message from the Principal:

Good afternoon everyone,

I can’t believe I’m writing for the final newsletter of the year! Time really has flown and the end of term seems to be upon us in the blink of an eye. Even more than usual you will see on the newsletter this week that we have been packed with activities in all year groups. We have had more trips out, residentials in year 6, singing festivals, whole trust events, not to mention the wonderful year 5 graduation. Thank you again for your fabulous support in packing out our hall for these events and helping with the many letters you’ve been sent for our activities off site.

I must say a huge well done to our year 6s this week as they all received their fantastic SATs results! I will send further detail in my letter next week but yet again we are well above national averages in most subjects. This cohort have worked tirelessly, many attending extra tuition so a massive well done; we are so proud of each and every one of you. I must say they all look very smart in their new leavers’ hoodies too!

There is lots of information below about events in the community during the summer holidays, plus important information about beach safety. We have done extra work with the children in school about this and ask that you help to reinforce this message by watching the short video clip together too.

Next week we look forward to our attendance and behaviour treats, our Trust Factor talent show in Lincoln, year 5 watching Annie at Havelock, the performances of our Mamma Mia production and of course our leavers’ party and leavers’ assembly to finish of the term. I will send a final end of term letter next week with my last few messages and information for September so although it won’t be newsletter week, please do look out for that. Whilst thinking about the end of term can I also remind everyone that we do have 2pm finish next Friday.

So, enjoy looking through the photos and explanations of what the children have been learning, and have a lovely weekend everyone.

S Sargent


Take a look at the weekly round-up of our fantastic learning...


Current classes

We have had a fantastic week back in our current classes! We have completed our ICT projects and practised using augmented reality which was great fun. In Science, we have investigated how water travels up the stem of a flower by using dye to trace where it has been. We have been learning about all the different types of angles in maths and identified were we can see them outside. Mrs Newell’s English group have been reading all about ‘The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs’ and we have now decided that the Big Bad Wolf has a kind, caring personality.


Transition week 

During transition, the new Year 4’s became experts on Roman Britain. They used secondary sources, including photographs, maps and videos to compare the lives of the Ancient Romans and the Celts and looked for similarities and differences between the two cultures. They then explored resistance to the Roman invasion and looked at the life of Boudicca. They discovered one of the reasons the Romans became so powerful was their highly organised army. They designed and made a Roman shield, before acting out ‘the tortoise’ and the ‘wedge’ – Roman attacking strategies. Our Celts (Mrs Vince, Miss Beasley and Mr Myall) stood no chance. Finally, they explored Roman settlement in Lincoln and the impact and legacy of the Romans on future British life.


Transition week

Teachers and pupils in year 5 had a fabulous week last week during our transition. The children learnt about the Viking period. The week began with an introduction to the Vikings- they found out the reasons why the Vikings invaded and where they came from. As part of learning about Viking life they collected sticks and twigs outside and built their own Viking houses. They enjoyed learning about Viking conflicts and the main battles. A highlight was designing and creating a Viking shield. Viking Gods and beliefs were also investigated and the children created beautiful double page spreads to showcase their learning- they were very curious to learn about Valhalla-Viking heaven. Finally the week concluded by investigating the impact the Vikings have had on Britain: place names, Viking Way and the story of Grim. All year 5 staff were very impressed with the children and are looking forward to teaching and learning with them next year.


Transition Week

In the new Year 6 team, we focused on the Tudor reign and the infamous King Henry VIII. We learnt about his marital history and six wives. The children had to use sources from historical articles and answer the key question: Was Henry VIII a malicious monster or marvellous monarch? The children used the sources to debate their viewpoint. We also created half-portraits and sketches using the techniques from Tudor portraits.  

Current Year 6

We had a fantastic time at the beach on Monday! We enjoyed fish and chips from Papas, playing in the sand, splashing in the water, building sandcastles and even an ice cream! It was great making memories with our friends in the final two weeks at William Barcroft. We're rehearsing our all-important leavers assembly as well as receiving our SATS RESULTS! The staff were so proud of us all and our achievements.

Year 5 Graduation

On Thursday we celebrated the Y5 Graduation.  The children absolutely shone and showed their best selves during their graduation. The  ceremony was introduced by some of our current year sixes, who did an excellent job of handing over the baton of responsibility. The children very proud to receive their purple jumpers, which signify their responsibility to act as role-models to all pupils. As part of the celebrations our year 5 choir sang a beautiful rendition of 'On Top of the world'. Performance poems about their future aspirations were performed and songs were sung. All children did amazingly and we are extremely  proud of them and looking forward to seeing their achievements in year 6 

Year 6 Residential - Back 2 Bear

Wow - what a great time we had! The children and staff had an absolutely fantastic time this week at Back 2 Bear! The activities were brilliant: archery, nerf wars, angel throwing to name a few. We had a packed day on Wednesday with skill activities in groups, we went on a beautiful nature walk on Thursday and enjoyed free time with friends, toasting marshmallows and a glorious camp fire in the evenings. Special memories were made, we truly spent every second enjoying ourselves while learning new things. The teepee tents were fantastic too! 

We cannot thank Spencer and the team at Back 2 Bear enough - we had an amazing few days! 

Harbour Learning Trust Event at Meridian

Last week, a selection of pupils from all year groups went to Meridian Showground and took part in the first ever sporting event with other schools within the Harbour Learning  Trust. Pupils took part in cheerleading and team building games, on inflatable obstacle courses, where they had to compete to win the knockout challenges. It was an amazing, exciting experience for the pupils and full of fun - they had big smiles on their faces all day! Pupils not only got the chance to make friends with children from different schools within the Harbour learning community, but have also taken away some great memories from the day. To round the day off, the fantastic cheerleaders made our very own Harbour Learning chant and performed this wonderfully to everyone. Hopefully this will be the first of many more events to come with the whole trust!


Junior Singing Festival

Last week, members of 4BL took part in the Junior Singing Festival at the Grimsby Auditorium. The theme of the festival was Earth, Sea and Sky, and they learned songs that fitted these themes beforehand. On the day, they worked with Steven Roberts (a very experienced conductor and musical director) a live-band and 300 other children from the local area to produce a performance that was fun and reflective, as well as interactive for the large audience of parents who were able to attend. The children worked hard, with only a short break in the morning, and put on a show to be proud of in the afternoon. Contenders for favourite songs were Sid the Crocodile (a humorous song with actions and voices) and the Jaguar, a reflective song about a lonely jaguar in the rainforest.

Welcome to the William Barcroft Library!

Can you take photographs in school?

Please ensure if you do take a photograph of your child on school site, that this is ONLY when you are told to do so by a member of staff and that the picture is of only your child. For example: After our Star of the Week assemblies.

The summer holidays are fast approaching! 

Please find attached events available events throughout the summer holidays . 

Summer Holiday Safety

Information for students:


Open water is often extremely cold - please be careful around open bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Never jump straight into open water as the rapid change in temperature can shock your body and kill you. It's colder than it looks.


If you or others get into trouble in open water, dial 999 immediately. Use What3Words App to help emergency services find you.


Our top tips:

·        Obey any warning or safety signs

·        Look out for trip or slip hazards around water and stick to proper pathways

·        Never go alone and always let a family member know where you are going and time you’ll be back

·        Remember riverbanks and cliff edges may be unstable and give way

·        Never, ever enter the water to try to save someone

Please watch our video for more safety tips


Visit our website for more information: https://humbersidefire.gov.uk/your-safety/water-safety-and-drowning-prevention

Mini Police 

Stars of the Week

This week's stars have been working extra hard in school and have impressed their teachers. Well done everyone! Scroll through the images on the left to see who has received the well deserved golden stars this week.





In preparation for a September, there will be a school uniform swap at The Grimsby Institute of Higher and Further Education 1-3 on August 9th. 


Items do not need to be brought along on the day. 

Any donations of uniform in clean, wearable condition can be dropped off between the last week of July and by Friday 4th August at:

The Uniform Hut, 123-125 Pasture Street, Grimsby, DN32 9EE

Haverstoe Park Pavilion, Hardys Rd, Cleethorpes DN35 0DH

The Gingerbread House, Church Ln, Humberston, Grimsby DN36 4HZ


Everyone is welcome to come and get some uniform ready for September! 

The Event is free to attend and all items are free.


Attendance and Punctuality

Does 5 minutes late really matter?

5 minutes late every day = 3 days lost over a year

10 minutes late every day = 6.5 days lost over a year

15 minutes late every day = 10 days lost over a year

20 minutes late every day = 13 days lost over a year

Registration at William Barcroft Junior School is 8.50am, and we will be allowing children in from 8.40am for some warm up activities. Please do not leave your children on the playground unattended before 08:40am. Doors close at 08:50am. Our finish time is 3.05pm for all pupils. 

Reminder to all parents/carers that penalties and fines may be issued for any unauthorised holidays taken during term time or persistent absences. 

We have many incentives for your children regarding attendance at our school-ask your child about our 100% attendance trolley!

Please contact the school office if you have any questions. Thank you.

#wbjspraiseculture #wbjsattendance #wbjsperfectpunctuality

 General Information

PE kit MUST be brought to school on your child's PE days,

Year 3 will have PE Wednesday and Friday

Year 4 will have PE Monday and Thursday

Year 5 will have PE Wednesday and Friday

Year 6 will have PE Monday and Tuesday

Summer Term

Monday 17th July - Attendance Treat Trip

Tuesday 18th July - Behaviour Treat Trips, Harbour Learning Trust Talent Event, Y5 trip to Havelock to watch Annie production.

Wednesday 19th July - Production Performances to parents 2pm and 4pm

Thursday 20th July - Y6 Party

Friday 21st July - Y6 Leavers' assembly

 Friday 21st July 2023-Break up for Summer Holidays, End of summer term 2pm finish.

Compass Go came into school to deliver an assembly for all of our children on Monday 15th May. 

This was part of Mental Health Awareness week regarding anxiety. Looking at tips and strategies to help. 

Anxiety is a normal emotion. It is your body's defence system trying to tell you that it feels like you are facing a threat. 

If you feel like you or a child need any support with your mental health please speak to a member of our staff. 

Thank you.

Follow this link to visit the safeguarding section of our website, and for a copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy. https://wba.harbourlearningtrust.com/our-academy/safeguarding/

Please see below message from the Humberside and Fire and Rescue Service:

As the late Bank Holiday approaches, with the potential of hotter days the appetite to cool off in open water increases.  This is a significant risk whilst the weather is so hot


We are therefore asking for your support.


We would greatly appreciate it if you could stress to your children and young people about the dangers of playing and swimming in open water for example; cold water shock, underwater obstacles and transition of waterborne diseases.



Take a look at the video




(right click and select “open hyperlink” and the video will start playing –if you wish you can then select “skip adverts” to go directly to the video)



Further safety information can be found on our website via the link below




The Cyber Helpline - Parent and Student Guides

The Cyber Helpline are a charitable organisation in the UK who are focussed on helping and supporting victims of cyber crime. There is a lot of useful information on their website, including a page full of guides and a wide range of topics from malware, cyber bullying and harassment, unauthorised access (e.g. if your gaming account has been hacked) and much more. All the guides are free and can be downloaded HERE.


Digital Leaders

This week our digital leaders are starting an exciting newsletter project. Each week we will come together to create guides which will support parents and children over the summer when they are using technology at home. The whole E-safety newsletter will be produced by our digital leaders so keep your eyes peeled for more information.


SENDIASS provide support for SEND, across education, health and social care.

Sendiass North East Lincolnshire | Facebook


Call- 01472 326363

Email- ask@nelsendiass.org.uk

SENDIASS website

Healthy Parent Carers

Improving parent carers’ health and wellbeing.

Healthy Parent Carers is a 12 week, group based, online programme. Sessions are two hours.

It is created by and delivered by parent carers.

Courses start in April and May 2023.

To book your place email communityofexperience@kids.org.uk or phone 01482 467540.


NELPCF is a brand new opportunity for having your say and bringing about change and improvement for children and young people with SEND. Led by parents, for parents, passionate about making a difference, we aim to make the voices of parents just like us, heard, right where it matters.

Visit the NELPCF website - external site

Free workshop for parent carers

Book your place on the free support for parents of children with anxiety workshop.

The workshop will cover:

Book your place: Support for Parents of Children with Anxiety – North East Lincolnshire Tickets, Tue 20 Jun 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite - external site

Pupil Links