William Barcroft Junior School

'Success and happiness for every child' 

We are very proud of our school, the children, staff and environment and of course the great support we receive from our parents.  

For more information, please visit our full website by clicking here.

In a recent parent questionnaire, parents said the following:

99% of parents say their child is happy at William Barcroft Junior School

98% parents say the school have high expectations

99% of parents said their child does well at school

100% of parents say their child felt safe in our school. 

Message from the Principal:

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to our first newsletter of 2024. It seems late to be saying this but a very happy new year to you all!  We have had a great start to the new term, and have enjoyed a special treat today with a visit from a famous author. Jenny McLachlan, author of The Land of Roar, Dead Good Detectives, Sun Kissed and many more fantastic children’s books, came to work with us for the day. Please ask your children about this tonight!

We have welcomed Miss Hutson, our new Vice Principal this term and many of you have already met her on the gate with me each morning. We had to say a temporary goodbye to one of our teachers last week, as Miss Jervis left us to have her baby! I will update with news as soon as I have it but at the minute she’s still waiting for the new arrival!

Just a reminder to ensure that the children are well wrapped up as the weather seems to have turned at the minute and we have still had some children coming in with no coats. Unless we have heavy rain, we will still be outside for fresh air so gloves and scarves are a good idea. We have also had a huge increase recently of children without PE kits. It is really important that children get their full allocation of PE time; this is a government requirement therefore kits must be in school on PE days. Thank you for your support with this.

Please enjoy looking at what the children have been up to in each year group, and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

S Sargent



This year in school, we aim to improve attendance and punctuality as a key priority.

Here are the attendance figures  per year group: 

Week beginning 3/1/2024

Year 3 -  92.44%

Year 4 - 94.98%

Year 5  - 97.26%

Year 6 - 88.68%

Week beginning 8/1/2024

Year 3 -  94.91%

Year 4 - 93.58%

Year 5 - 93.56%

Year 6 - 87.59%

Here are the attendance figures per class:

The link between attendance and attainment is clear: 

In 2018/19, just 40% of persistently absent (PA) children in KS2 achieved expected KS2 standards, compared with 84% of pupils who were regular attenders

But attendance is important for more than just attainment: 

Regular school attendance can facilitate positive peer relationships, which is a protective factor for mental health and wellbeing. 

Friday 12th January -  Author visit - Jenny McLachlan

Wednesday 17th January - SEND Parents meetings

WB 29th January - HLT Football League - Healing Academy (Away)

Thursday 1st February - Y3/4 Dodgeball Competition

Tuesday 6th February - Safer Internet Day

Thursday 8th February - Y5/6 Dodgeball Competition

Friday 9th February - Chinese New Year celebrations

Friday 9th February - Last day of Spring term 1

Monday 19th February - Return to school for Spring term 2

WB 26th February - HLT Football League - Great Coates Academy (Away)

WB 4th March - Parents evening week

Friday 8th March - World Book Day

Wednesday 13th March - Cross Country at Weelsby Woods

Friday 15th March - Comic Relief Day

WB 18th March - HLT Football League - Healing Academy (Home)

Monday 25th March - Year 3 Learning Showcase AM

Tuesday 26th March - Year 6 Learning Showcase AM

Wednesday 27th March - Year 5 Learning Showcase AM

Thursday 28th March - Year 4 Learning Showcase AM

Thursday 28th March - Last day of Spring term 2 - Easter holidays begin.

Tuesday 16th April - Return to school for Summer term 1

What's happening in class at WBJS? 


For the first three days back in January, Year 3 completed our picture book study on the Tin Forest. As part of this, we generated a range of fantastic vocabulary in order to write a setting description from one of the pages from the story. We also completed a mini art project based on this book which involved creating a colour wash background then added some animals to this to reflect a forest. One of our favourite parts of the week was experimenting with tin foil and creating our own tin forest which included trees and birds.

This week, we started our new book Flood. This book is a complete picture book and we have loved analysing the images and discussing what is happening in the story and how the characters could be feeling.

In maths, we have started to learn how to use the short method for multiplication. Some of this has been challenging but we have all been fabulous mathematicians in answering a range of questions.


We have had a very busy start to Spring term in Year 4! We have begun our new topic about the rainforest. Before diving deeper into this, we have been investigating parts of the world, including different climate zones. We used atlases to locate countries and capital cities around the world. In English, we had our picture book study last week on the book ‘FaRther’ which explored a man’s dream to fly. We completed some beautiful art and writing based on this book, including a postcard and a diary entry. We have now begun our new book called ‘The Explorer’ where our characters immediately find themselves in a plane crash in a very dramatic opening.

In Science, we have completed our learning on the digestive system- taking part in a stomach-churning experiment to understand how food passes through the digestive system! In PE, we practiced our different rolls including a teddy bear roll, forward roll, log roll and dish and hollow roll. We have been learning how to times and divide by 10 and 100 in Maths. 


We have lifted off on our new topic all about Space. We have been investigating what the Moon, Sun and Earth are. We have also started our investigation on moon phases. We have been recording each moon phase every day, so be sure to ask us what phase of the moon it is. We are so intrigued with this topic and can’t wait to learn more. In Maths, we have been learning how to use formal written methods to solve 4-digit numbers multiplied by 2-digit numbers. In English, we have been learning how to write speculatively and use subordinating clauses to clarify meaning. We are preparing to write an explanation text next week. Whilst learning these skills, we have been reading Curiosity, which is all about a Mars Rover investigating whether there is life on the red planet.


We have started our new topic all about evolution and the creation story in which we will investigate the Christian creation story alongside evolution, looking a different peoples’ viewpoints and ideas to try and decipher what we think for ourselves. We started off this topic with some work on fossils - we learnt about them in year three and are now building on this with more complex knowledge like what the different types of fossils are and how they are formed differently to others. Below are some pictures of some different ways that the children classified fossils. In English, we are super excited to be reading the Hunger Games and are preparing to write a newspaper all about the Reaping Ceremony in chapter 1 and 2.


Suffering From Maths Anxiety-Don’t Stress!!

However you feel about maths, you’re not alone. Some parents and carers try to avoid maths in their daily lives. For some, the thought of helping children with maths homework fills them with dread. Adults often experience worry, stress or fear around numbers. If you feel this way about maths, it is not unusual. You can still support your children with their maths learning – but you may find it more comfortable to do so if you overcome your fears. And these feelings can be overcome.

Why is it common to feel anxiety around maths?

There are lots of reasons why someone could feel anxious about maths:

• Bad experiences at school

• Feeling under pressure

• Fear of failure

• Being told they’re not a maths person

• Lack of support

These reasons are often beyond our own control. They do not truly reflect our abilities. If you feel anxious about maths, it doesn’t mean that you are unable to learn.


Tips for feeling differently about maths

• Talk about your feelings about maths. Finding a supportive person to talk to about your feelings and worries can often help overcome anxiety. You might learn that lots of people feel the same. But be sure to have these conversations away from children – always try to be positive about maths around them.

• Challenge your own beliefs. Think about why you don’t feel good about maths. Are those reasons fair? For example, does finding maths hard at school mean that you’ll always be bad at it?

• Try not to compare yourself to others. Maybe you find maths harder than some others do, or feel that other people have better maths skills than you. Learning is not about being better than others, but about improving on your own skills and confidence.

• Reduce pressure. You don’t have to rush and you don’t have to show anyone else what you’re doing. Other people knowing if we are getting things wrong can sometimes make us panic. It’s ok to learn at your own pace – maths is not a race! You can learn without pressure by using resources like the National Numeracy Challenge: www.nnchallenge.org.uk/fmt

• Set realistic goals. Don’t expect yourself to become a maths professor overnight. A little bit of learning on a regular basis can help you improve at a steady pace.

Reading - Author Visit

Today, we welcomed a very exciting visitor into school - Jenny McLachlan - incredible author of 'Land of Roar', 'Return to Roar' and 'Dead Detectives'! The children were fascinated with how she was able to create fantasy settings and her development of plot and characters. We then created a fantasy land of our own with her expert help! Some of us even had our hands bitten by a real dragon (a puppet of course). The children felt incredibly inspired to create their own fantasy stories.  

Home Reading

Here are the percentages for home reads per class over the last week. Our school expectation is 3 weekly reads per week and this is taken on a Thursday. Please ensure your child has their reading record every day to be checked.  Well done to those classes with 90% and above! 

What are we currently reading in English?

 Year 3 are currently reading The  Flood in their English lessons. 

 Year 4 are currently reading The Explorer in their English lessons. 

 Year 5 are currently reading Curiosity in their English sessions. 

Year 6 are currently reading The Hunger Games in their English sessions.


Drop everything and read!

Here are our current class readers. These are books that have been chosen by the children. Please ask your child what is happening in their current class read! 

3A – The Nothing To See Here Hotel - Steven Butler                                              

3C-  The Nothing To See Here Hotel - Steven Butler                 

3S -  The Nothing To See Here Hotel - Steven Butler                  

4B - Land of Roar - Jenny McLachlan 

4LB - The Witches - Roald Dahl                                                           

4V -   Land of Roar - Jenny McLachlan                                                                                      

5D - Matilda by Roald Dahl

5HS - The Boy at the Back of the Class - Onjali Q.Rauf 

5S - The Executioner's Daughter - Jane Hardstaff

6B - The Vanishing of Aveline Jones - Phil Hickes

6F - The Vanishing of Aveline Jones - Phil Hickes

6S - The Vanishing of Aveline Jones - Phil Hickes


Watch this fabulous science report with your child.

What do animals find scarier: humans or hungry lions?


These are released weekly with a quiz to go alongside. You can sign up to receive free weekly reports:


 General Information

PE kit MUST be brought to school on your child's PE days,

Year 3 will have PE Monday and Wednesday

Year 4 will have PE Tuesday and Thursday

Year 5 will have PE Monday and Wednesday

Year 6 will have PE Tuesday and Thursday

Can you take photographs in school?

Please ensure if you do take a photograph of your child on school site, that this is ONLY when you are told to do so by a member of staff and that the picture is of only your child. For example: After our Star of the Week assemblies.

Follow this link to visit the safeguarding section of our website, and for a copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy. https://wba.harbourlearningtrust.com/our-academy/safeguarding/

For Parents - Fortnite Guidance

Epic Games (which includes Fortnite, Fall Guys and Rocket League) provide some really useful features for parents to manage their child's gaming experience. This includes 'cabined accounts'  which are accounts where the child is under 13 and certain restrictions are applied by default, e.g. talking to other players. You can find further details and instructions from Internet Matters.


For Parents - WhatsApp Guide


Even though WhatsApp has an age restriction of 16+, during our recent student survey the most popular messaging app from Y4/5 upwards. Over the last year or so WhatsApp have introduced new features so we have included an updated guide on this week’s newsletter so that parents can ensure the most appropriate settings are applied for their child. 


SEND Support

We are excited to announce the official launch of the Settings, Parents and Carers for Education (SPACE) Forum on the 16th of January 2024 at Grimsby Town Hall 9.30am -11.30am. The forum originally started as part of the Autism in Schools project and was so successful and productive that NEL were determined that it continued. 

It is the only forum in North East Lincolnshire that provides a regular opportunity for parent carers and educational settings to meet and work in partnership to improve the educational experiences for our Children and Young People (CYP) with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). SPACE Forums will be held monthly at the Town Hall with every session featuring a different topic/theme decided by Forum members. 

So, whether you are a parent carer or a SENDCO/teacher/practitioner working in an educational setting (nursery to college) please come and join us at the SPACE Forums. You will receive a friendly and warm welcome; meet likeminded people and share your views and experiences while enjoying a drink and a biscuit in a safe space 


Saturday 20 January 2024 - 10am to 3.30pm

Drop into the Learning Centre and make yourself some amazing ocean-themed crafts. Visit 'Deep sea' corner and help fill our paper ocean with wonderful creatures. Free event with Standard £11 adult ticket to the Cathedral (children free).

Oceans Trail

Saturday 20 January (opening hours)

Take part in our Oceans trail in the Cathedral and visitor centre for the chance to win a £10 voucher to spend in the Cathedral Shop