Torah on the Trail Minnesota

Welcome to Torah on the Trail Minnesota.

You are invited to engage in the world of learning more Torah in an experiential way, on the Trail. In a sense this resonates with the first Torah lesson which was outdoors, at Mt. Sinai with the giving of the Torah. This Torah on the Trail learning approach strives to bring to life the educational path of the Jewish people since that epic moment at Mount Sinai; Torah learning for its own sake, Torah Lishma.

Participants are encouraged to increase their knowledge base in the following areas:

  • Learn more Torah.
  • Gain deeper insights into the world of prayer.
  • Increase skills for living out in nature.
  • Enhance skills to help protect our natural world.
  • Increase group cohesion with community building activities

Program possibilities include:

  • Day hikes
  • Shabbatonim/Shabbat retreats,
  • Extended Jewish living and learning adventures to such locations as the following:
    • The Rocky Mountains
    • The Boundary Waters Canoe Area
    • Washington D.C. to learn firsthand of the civics related to the Jewish community, Israel, and the environment including a visit to the Holocaust Museum.

Topic possibilities include the following:

  • Ethics
  • Gemilut hasadim, acts of loving kindness
  • Tzedakah, including special mitzvah projects to feed the poor.
  • Judaism and the environment
  • Parshat Hashavua/the Weekly Torah Portion
  • Hebrew language acquisition
  • Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation; not only including devar Torah preparation, but preparing oneself for adult responsibility in the Jewish community.

Outdoor recreational activities for going about in nature include nature walks, backpacking, canoeing, skiing, snowshoeing, bicycling, horseback riding, therapeutic horseback riding, swimming, snorkeling, and rock climbing.

These activities are for people of all ages, individuals, groups, and families; homeschooling families are welcome. Minors need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

You are invited fill out the form below to learn more about our Torah on the trail program based in the Twin Cities, Minnesota region.