Career Ready

Rebels are ready to work!

Career Planning

Formula for Success

Students aptitude + interests = career satisfaction

At HC CCA, we are helping students find their best fit careers through experiences in the classroom, exposure to different career options, and testing. 

As a K-12 Academy, we begin introducing students to opportunities early in  primary and elementary schools. At the middle school, students take YouScience career inventories to plan their high school trajectory . At the high school, students  capitalize on this planning by exploring secondary education options and earning real-world credentials. 

Personalized Feedback

Students' profiles,  aptitudes,  and opportunities are accessible through their Infinite Campus accounts. Just click on SLDS and Career Plan to view their results. 

Each student profile is unique and matches them to careers that are just right for them.  Once students narrow down their career options, they can explore the types of training or college they might need.

This tool also gives students insight into their personal strengths and the language they need to highlight their assets in resumes and interviews. 

Technical Skills & Training

Dual Enrollment

Pathways to Success

For more information about Dual Enrollment, please talk to a guidance counselor. 

Industry Certifications

Success Skills

Employability skills training for workforce readiness

Haralson County College & Career Academy believes that interpersonal skills and work ethic are equally as important to cultivate as the hard, technical skills.

The list of Success Skills taught to all K-12 students was developed through a collaborative effort between business partners, counselors, and each HC school's principal.

COMING SOON - Our Career Planning EBook!

Our Alumni