Student Dashboard

Student Dashboard is a tool that Hāpara created to provide learners with a central, mobile-friendly location to access assignments, resources, announcements, grades and more from Google Classroom, G Suite and Hāpara. Think of it as a digital student planner that brings the tools that a learner interacts with on a daily basis - together in one place. Hāpara will automatically push out Google Classroom assignments, communications and resources along with Workspaces and assignments to learners' Student Dashboards - you don't have to do anything!


Students will go to in their Chrome browsers and use their school Google credentials to log in. Encourage your learners to bookmark this page so they can easily find it and visit on a daily basis at home. Send out the Welcome to Hāpara Student Dashboard page and share the Student Dashboard overview video with all of your learners!

Welcome to Hāpara Student Dashboard.pdf