Hāpara Community

Join Hipi in the Hāpara Community. Click on the link and join educators, working together to support modern learners. There is even a group for IT and Network Administrators!

We would like to invite you, your teachers and your school administrators to join our Hāpara Community.

Thousands of educators from around the world belong to this vibrant online community. It's a great place to connect with other educators, discuss topics related to teaching and learning and explore tips and tricks for using Hāpara in your classroom.

Hāpara Community Courses

Join one of the courses and get to know the basics of Hāpara and how you can use it in your classroom. The Highlights, Dashboard, and Workspace courses will provide a deeper dive into the platform, showing you how to guide students as they learn to navigate the internet and practice working and collaborating in a digital world.

We’ll teach you everything you need to know to get started using Highlights, Dashboard and Workspace.

Courses are made up of short videos, printable diagrams, reflection questions and more. Feel free to share these resources with other educators in your school. It's all here to help you get the most out of Hāpara for your learners.

Hāpara Community: A guide to private group facilitation

Hapara Community - Guide to Private Groups .pdf

Would you like to have a private group in the Hāpara Community that is exclusively for teachers in your school?

Quite a few schools have discovered that private groups make great "base camps" for sharing tech-related resources and for conducting asynchronous staff meetings. This can be especially useful when staff is not able to report to work when schools are closed.

Some schools encourage their teachers to use their private group as a place to meet up with other teachers in their district that they don't get to see on a regular basis.

Send an email to beth.still@hapara.com if you are interested in having your own private group in the Community.