Teach & Learn from Home with Hāpara

This is a centralized hub where you can find information quickly and easily. It's a dynamic document which means it is constantly changing as we update existing resources and add new ones on a regular basis. Please bookmark it so you can locate it easily. The information below will have you up and running in no time. Are you ready to learn all about Hāpara? Use the navigation panel on the left side of your screen to move around this site. Take your time and don't feel like you have to learn it all right away.

Have questions?

Join us in the Hāpara Community, where you will have access to thousands of teachers from around the world who utilize Hāpara in their classrooms. Make sure you follow some topics and join a couple of groups to get the most of out of the Community!

Welcome To Hāpara - Letter to Teachers.pdf

Are you ready to get started?

The guide on the left is designed to get you up and running. You can also watch the video below.