Mrs. Linda Peterson

Educational Technology Specialist

Bee Meadow School

Hanover Township Public Schools

Welcome to Computer Science and STEM with Mrs. Peterson!  In this class, you will be challenged to think critically, work collaboratively, solve problems, be creative, and of course- have fun!  Students will be empowered to succeed in today's knowledge-based, digital world through equitable access to high-quality, standards-based computer science and technological design education.   

Accounts for Students

Students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 will use Clever to access all of their digital accounts. Clever is a single sign-on platform compatible with a laptop, desktop, or Chromebook. The latest version of Google Chrome is recommended for an optimized experience.

Grades K-2

Turn on the Chromebook and select, NEXT.
Hold your child’s Clever badge to the camera to sign in.
(Clever badges are distributed by your child’s teacher).

Grades 3-5

Turn on the Chromebook and select, "Sign in with a different account".
Enter your child’s Google username and password.
(Grade 3 students will begin the school year using a Clever badge).

Personal Devices

Make sure that no other members of the household are signed into Chrome.  In order to use the single sign-on feature, install the Clever extension onto your browser.  If you are not using the extension,  sign in here:

Curriculum Highlights
Kindergarten through Grade 5

Digital Citizenship


Word Processing

Graphic Design


3D Printing


Design Thinking



Digital Resources That We use In Class

Access to these resources are available through Clever.


Google Earth

Google Apps

Wonder Workshop


CS Media

Pebble Go


Typing Club

Brain Pop