Mrs. Mattia's 

3rd grade class

Third grade is going to be an amazing year filled with lots of learning :) 

Contact Information

Room: 22


School #: 973- 515-2419

3rd Grade Information


Homework will be posted daily on our classroom's homework board. Please check your child's agenda for the nightly homework. Homework will also be posted on my Google Classroom page. In order to view the posting, you will need your child to log in to their school issued chromebook or click here Google HW Link 


Clever is a software applications platform that gives students a single log in for all of their online learning programs and resources. Your child has a Clever badge that they will use to access this website. 

Clever Link 

 Specials Schedule:

Monday- Music & Gym (wear sneakers)
Tuesday- Media (bring in your book to return)
Wednesday- Gym (wear sneakers)
Friday- Art