About This Site


This website was created to connect the people of Hanover to a variety of resources to help meet day to day needs. This includes housing, utilities, food, access to health care (physical and mental), clothing, travel assistance, community building activities, career assistance, and more. If you do not see a resource but would like help finding one, please reach out to ngeoffroy@hanoverhornets.org for assistance.

About the Creator

Nina is the school counselor at the Jr/Sr High School and is now the Community Advocacy Intern for the district. From August 2020-December 2020, Nina will be providing free therapy services to all community members, even if you are not associated with the high school. This includes family, individual, couples, and group therapy. This service will be offered for free as she finishes her final semester of her clinical internship for her Master's degree in Clinical Social Work. During this time she will be supervised by School Psychologist Sally Giannini and Licensed Social Worker Chelsea Witt. She is also able to help connect you to resources, create a plan to help you accomplish goals in all aspects of your life, and more.